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phill kneen

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Posts posted by phill kneen

  1. I'm not sure if you guys (and girls) have heard about this magazine ,

    but I can highly recommend it. I have subcribed to it from the start

    and it really is a suberb publication. It showcases new talents in

    photojournalism from around the world and comes out 4 times a year.


    Get it.




    'nuf said.

  2. I truely believe this is a name we should be looking out for in the

    future and the not too distant future at that. His photography is

    some of the best.....no, THE best I have seen on this site.


    Get yourself to one of the big photo-agencies Ladislav. I know a

    woman who works at Panos pictures if you are interested?

  3. Alex, I actually came to buy a Leica through a 'near-miss' purchase of a Bessa R. I was in a shop in Liverpool and had the R in my hands ready to buy when the guy says "look, I have a Leica M4-p for £900, mint condition". I told him I couldn't afford it. He got the Leica out of the window, I held it and 10 minutes later walked of the shop with it complete with 50mm lens- £1250 all in.


    So, the Bessa is ok, it's cheap (very), but it's not a Leica.

  4. I just saw a documentary about James Nachtwey (well it's about the

    50th time I've watched 'war photographer' in 3 weeks!). I was just

    wondering what the 'beeping' noise is from his camera everytime he

    took a shot? I'm a Leica R and M man you see.


    Also, does anyone know what lens he was using? It looks like a 17-35

    or something like that?



  5. Right, I have an sf20 flash which I use with my M6/R8. I don't like

    the look of it on full output,so, if I dial in minus 2 stops on the

    flash it will reduce the output for a nice fill-in effect, right? Is

    it that simple?, because the manual, the man in the shop and some

    people on this site have made it sound a bit more complex. Please



    Also, off-topic, what is the focus distance of the Ricoh GR1s

    on 'snap' mode?

  6. My 35 1.4 hood was the same. People say "oh it's only a small thing, just learn to live with it....". Why should we? I have a 35mm f2 arriving in the next few days and if that hood is even 1 degree out then it's going back.


    When I got my R21-35mm the focus ring was stiff and rough and the guy in the shop told me to just 'work' it out by sitting there and turning it back and forth for an hour. I told him to stop taking the piss and send it back. I have it back now and it's as smooth as a babies bum.


    But why should we put up with these 'little' things when we are paying so much for Leica gear??????

  7. 'Yellow Bird in Flight'.......


    Vuk, I don't know what drugs you've been taking, but I would like some. I sometimes see animals when I've done too much acid, however, I have never seen a yellow bird. Pink elephants, white rabbits and orange men yes, but never yellow birds.

  8. When I had my Leica gear stolen this summer in France the police said that the guy who took it would have known Exactly what he was stealing, maybe even stealing to order. The worrying thing was that he also added that the thief may have been following me for a time waiting for the right chance. I was going kayaking, so I left my bag with my girlfriend (2 M6ttl, 35 1.4, 50 1.4, Nikon F100 24-120, sf20, sb28, light meter, etc, etc) in the car. She left the car to get a coke for no more than 3 minutes, when she got back my gear was gone, along with 15 rolls of family photos. He, or she, had left a purse, a leather jacket and a small compact Pentax behind, all within inches of my bag.


    I was lucky, my insurance have replaced all the gear, but the 15 rolls of film are gone forever. Are Leicas worth stealing? Yes, to some people they are.

  9. Well, I have a list of 19 people who want this box. I'm not bothered about selling it so this is what I will do. I will jiggle the mouse around on the mat and whoever the arrow lands closest to will get the box. It's a cruel world I know, but I only have one box.


    Good luck.

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