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Posts posted by russ_butner___portland__or

  1. <p>Lex & Dan,</p>

    <p>I agree completely. I think she entered in the magazine comp, in hopes of winning the Sigma lens or cash, which is fine. I just think that she will be disappointed in the book results. I too, think that her photographic vision and talent (which she has much of) would be better served by self publishing, etc. This Photographer Forum book will not get any distribution of any type. It's just a way of them making more profit.</p>

    <p>Thanks<br /> Russ</p>

  2. <p>Hello</p>

    <p> A friend of mine just got accepted as a "finalist" and they are now asking her to purchase their printed book, at $55.00 per book. What I want to know, is some first hand experience from anyone that actually has gone through this process and also ordered the book. What size was their image printed, the quality of the book, etc?</p>

    <p> Personally, I think it's a waste and somewhat of a money grab. But she wants first hand experience.</p>

    <p>Thank You<br>


  3. <p><img src="/bboard/<a%20href="https:/www.flickr.com/photos/38463255@N00/6541754005"%20title="Vivitar%20ES%20by%20quietlightphoto,%20on%20Flickr"><img%20src="https:/farm8.staticflickr.com/7033/6541754005_2a3ab3f109.jpg"%20width="500"%20height="409"%20alt="Vivitar%20ES"></a>" alt="" /><img src="/bboard/<a%20href="https:/www.flickr.com/photos/38463255@N00/6541754005"%20title="Vivitar%20ES%20by%20quietlightphoto,%20on%20Flickr"><img%20src="https:/farm8.staticflickr.com/7033/6541754005_2a3ab3f109.jpg"%20width="500"%20height="409"%20alt="Vivitar%20ES"></a>" alt="" /><img src="/bboard/<a%20href="https:/www.flickr.com/photos/38463255@N00/6541754005"%20title="Vivitar%20ES%20by%20quietlightphoto,%20on%20Flickr"><img%20src="https:/farm8.staticflickr.com/7033/6541754005_2a3ab3f109_s.jpg"%20width="75"%20height="75"%20alt="Vivitar%20ES"></a>" alt="" /><img src="/bboard/<iframe%20src="https:/www.flickr.com/photos/38463255@N00/6541754005/in/photolist-aY5aFZ-aY5cya-ae2Jeq-adYTWF-4pvFWq-aycGHN-2TCCrs-4prE1x-a9QGgT/player/"%20width="500"%20height="409"%20frameborder="0"%20allowfullscreen%20webkitallowfullscreen%20mozallowfullscreen%20oallowfullscreen%20msallowfullscreen></iframe>" alt="" />Jim</p>

    <p>I've attached a couple snaps of the camera. Lex, yes, this is the same system that our Oly RC rigs employ. It's the Vivitar ES rangefinder. I don't know why I cannot submit an image, like I did in the opening thread?<br>

    <br /> <br /> Thanks<br /> Russ</p>

  4. <p>Hello</p>

    <p> I have a rangefinder camera that has the "flashmatic" system on it. With the Flashmatic system, you just set the guide # setting on the camera, and focusing it opens or closes the aperture to the proper size for correct exposure. I have a small flash unit with a guise # of 50, with ASA 100 film. So that would give me a guide # of 100 with 400 ASA film. The guide # ring on my rangefinder is in meters, they are, 7, 10, 14, 20, 28, 40, 56. So which setting would I use for a guide # of 100?<br>

    <img src="/bboard/<iframe%20src="https:/www.flickr.com/photos/38463255@N00/14224040146/in/photostream/player/"%20width="375"%20height="500"%20frameborder="0"%20allowfullscreen%20webkitallowfullscreen%20mozallowfullscreen%20oallowfullscreen%20msallowfullscreen></iframe>" alt="" /> <img src="/bboard/<a%20href="https:/www.flickr.com/photos/38463255@N00/14224040146"%20title="Guide_#_ring.%20by%20quietlightphoto,%20on%20Flickr"><img%20src="https:/farm3.staticflickr.com/2902/14224040146_28edc79aff.jpg"%20width="375"%20height="500"%20alt="Guide_#_ring."></a>" alt="" /><br>



  5. <p>Yes, there is pleasant, and not as pleasant Bokeh. It's derived from the actual design of the lens.For whatever reason, this topic is getting way too much attention in the last few years. Seriously, when was the last time you looked at a fantastic photo, and said to yourself, "Wow, what a great shot, but too bad the Bokeh sucks"?</p>

    <p>">http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3059/2863353284_ffe07de861.jpg[/img]</a><br /> <a title="Search Google" href="http://www.google.com/search?q=%22%20width%3D%22500%22%20height%3D%22384%22%20alt%3D%22Kool%20Kid%22%3E%3C%2Fa%3E" target="_blank"><img src="https://www.google.com/favicon.ico" alt="" /></a><a title="Search Wikipedia" href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=com&btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky&q=%22%20width%3D%22500%22%20height%3D%22384%22%20alt%3D%22Kool%20Kid%22%3E%3C%2Fa%3E+wikipedia" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p>

  6. <p> Yes, Komine, constructed lenses and a few of the earlier Vivitar Series 1, lens designs (Series 1, 70-210 3'rd edition, Series 1, 28-90, were, and are high quality optics. They made them to a price point. And back then, Vivitar did not skimp on their Series 1 designs. Many of the Komine made non-Series 1, lenses are of superb optical and mechanical design and construction. if you'd like more information, check out the Kiron Klub.</p>
  7. <p> Yes, Komine, constructed lenses and a few of the earlier Vivitar Series 1, lens designs (Series 1, 70-210 3'rd edition, Series 1, 28-90, were, and are high quality optics. They made them to a price point. And back then, Vivitar did not skimp on their Series 1 designs. Many of the Komine made non-Series 1, lenses are of superb optical and mechanical design and construction. if you'd like more information, check out the Kiron Klub.</p>
  8. <p> Yes, Komine, constructed lenses and a few of the earlier Vivitar Series 1, lens designs (Series 1, 70-210 3'rd edition, Series 1, 28-90, were, and are high quality optics. They made them to a price point. And back then, Vivitar did not skimp on their Series 1 designs. Many of the Komine made non-Series 1, lenses are of superb optical and mechanical design and construction. if you'd like more information, check out the Kiron Klub.</p>
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