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Image Comments posted by dpurfectlight

    The Veil


    I think it's the focusing sensor didn't lock in the eye. I think Andre is right for the selected eye sharpening. My Photoshop editing skill is still need some major sharpening. :).

    BTW, I'm not the main photographer just helping my friend, the main wedding photog to cover all the angles.



    I was there few weeks ago after the big winter storm. It was crowded.

    BTW, It's dark. Too much lighting contrast IMO, did you use Grad ND ?

  1. Hi Lucy,


    Thx for all the comments and lucky you to travel and see the world. I have SLR so to have a digital camera with SLR control and performance is just a matter of time. Now I'm saving for a better dynamic range DLSR, since controling contrast is so important in landscape photography.

    However, 5700 is an execellent camera. With Nikon 5700, you dont have to worry about cleaning the sensor. It has the shutter and aperture controls that you need for correct exposure and it's capable of taking stunning landscape pictures as you see here Photonet. Looking forward to see more of your pictures.

    The Veil

    Probably the fill flash is not strong enough for the catchlight in her eyes. The fill flash might overpower the main windows light is also my main concern. Thanks for the critiques Vincent and Andre.
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