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Image Comments posted by dpurfectlight

  1. Thanks Hu*ng, unless some golden light reflects on the rocks, most of my Yosemite color images came out kinda flat and mute. I'm quite satisfied with this one. Anyhow, I was so glad that my skiing friends decided to go down to the Valley before going home.
  2. Thai and Kim, interesting and humorous stories you guys have. Most people just see the images without knowing the inside stories. Driving backward over a mountain road pass..on a long station wagon...that sounds like James Dean, Rebel without a cause to me ...;-) thanks for the stories guys.
  3. Thanks for the comments Julio and Claude. For me, since it's mostly granite rocks, it's difficult to have good Yosemite images in color. I'm just happy to see this color after the clearing winter storm.
  4. After the winter storm, Yosemite showed off her beauty, I and many

    other photogs were just too happy to be there. It was liltle

    crowded. I have to wait about 25 min for one photog to finish her

    macro photography session in front of me but hey, being patient pays

    off. Thanks for viewing and it's best to view larger.

    The Veil

    No I didn't use spot focus Alec. It would be nicer if the eye is also sharp. Jade and Jaya F8 will give sharpness overall but then everything else including distractions will also be sharp. I prefer to get close to eliminate distractions as much as I could. I also have plenty of excellent lighting, super sharp but confused images with lot of distractions. Thanks to the critiques here ;). F8 and be there is almost a universal guideline as the sunny f16. It's only a guideline however. As Andre suggestion, shallow DOF of 2.8 or below is best to carefully manually focus with a large viewfinder, but manual focus's somewhat challenging when the action is fast. Thanks Jade, Jaya, Alec, Andre and everyone for the critiques and comments.
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