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Image Comments posted by gonaloruizesquide

  1. i think many of us have tried to take roughly this same picture, but you did it perfectly. the B&W and high contrast image make it a bit of a surreal picture, and the diagonals are perfectly positioned, so it is nicely filled with such few and simple elements. i like how you managed to make your own composition and creation with things that were allready there.

    Humming Bird

    jerry, while i too think that the colorful and 'pretty' bird photos you can see on PN, and in your folder, are great, i rather see an image like this, where you can share your own vision of things with us. great one!


    eyes, hair, clothes, background... wow, a nice monochromatic image in color. her look is very intense. only two things: the hair on her left eyebrow brakes it in an odd way, it seems that her left eyebrow could be very different from the right one, moving her hair a bit to the left would be better. and i would try it in B&W too, though te monochrome effect is great.


    i've looked your portfolio and, in my opinion, is much better than this one. how difficult is to make an outdoor portrait like this! still, i think it is too artificial, and the model doesn't transmit any drama... her pose just looks like a pose. the conrtast between her and the background is too low.
  2. the original point of view used turned what could have been a boring and cliche shot into a very beautiful image with this three areas of texture and color: blue/gray stones in the bottom, with a cold feel, the warm red and rugged rocks in the middle and that great blue of the sky nd the moon in the top of the image. great.
  3. victor, me parece que la imagen es muy linda y merece credit por eso (me encantan las puestas de sol y otras imagenes simplemente lindas, no tengo problemas con eso), y la orientacion de la foto respecto de las caba�as es muy buena, se ven hermosos reflejos. Sin embargo, parece una foto tomada de pie con la camara a la altura del ojo y el horizonte esta demasiado centrado. creo que un punto de vista mas atractivo podria haber resaltado mejor los colores y la gradacion del cielo, por ejemplo, poniendose mas abajo y apuntando la camara mas arriba y colocando el horizonte en el tercio inferior de la imagen...

    Runaway bride

    if you pay attention it tell's you a story... her dirty feet, the pose and the point of view contribute so that one would tell she's dead. the kind of vingneting on the light adds one more touch to the morbid feel. anyway, it does't quite make it for me, maybe a lower point of view with a bit of horizon or something to put the image in context and in b&w, i don't know, maybe tt's just too disturbing a subject for me.


    difficult to make (lights, dof, exposure) and perfectly executed, yet it is very expressive and warm... in mho good art is like this. i can tell you love your subject. great, congrats!


    she looks great, the tones and lightning of the skin is superb, the off center composition and the light frame on her hair give this a very expressive feel, evocative and romantic. like a portraite of a girl in woodstock or something.

    Meghan - B & W


    her expression is beautiful a well captured, but yep, too centered. plus i think the foam in the vawes is a bit distracting. the background could have been controled either to be a part of the image or not, but in this way its neither in nor out. i think a different point of view and wider lens with a bit more of DOF could have made the context to say more, or a lower point of view with a longer tele and smaller dof could have isolatded her face and great expression.

    the pic captures the mood of the moment anyway


    i like the composition very much. the space on the left give this pic a more dynamic feel, and the use of DOF is great, the grass makes a kind of pattern just blurred enough not to distract but to add context. the colors and texture are great as is the point of view (wich seems to be very low)


    as so many of your other pictures this ones is a great composition made out of simple and 'ordinary' elements in wich you can discover beauty. i coudn't think of a way to improve this image... thank you.
  4. there is a moment in the evening when the sky and artificial lights balance nicely and you capture it nicely in this photo and in many other ones. great choice of point of view and framing.


    Some Symmetry


    i very much understand what you mean... this are those moments in wich one thinks in whitman's poetry, one finds beauty in every little thing around, i'm glad some people take photos to try to capture those moments and express what mistery they found in the same reality that surrounds us all the time and that we take for granted so many times. going more to the picture i like the tonal range from light to dark and the abstract feel from the use of macro and an unusual point of view, but i would have taken out of the frame the things in the right upper corner.

    great image, i hope you were having a good tiem and, perhaps, a good wine...

    When I grow Up...

    great one! the compostion with him off center, the diagonal, the use of telefoto, the light give drama and dynamism to the image. the only thing is i would have use a point of view lower o higher to take the head off the horizon.
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