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Image Comments posted by gonaloruizesquide



    very good...

    the low point of view, the saturated and beatiful color en the foreground, the aerial perspective, and the brighter and warn lght in the background... i like it lot, very well and carefuly shot.



    this cristals may be ablut 1,5 to 2 cm wide, i put them over a dark

    gray sweater and managed a bit the contrast in ps... how did it work out?

  1. i think it is too obvious and cheese... why not put a gun or a knife in his belt... demonizing the priests or the church is an easy way to get comments. when looked at from very close the only way to not beeing accused of double standard is not having any principles... all that remains is repent and trust in god mercy for us ... Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine, Domine, quis sustinebit?-If thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities: Lord, who shall stand it?

    Last wind


    of course this one, as most of your other pics, is great, expressive and beautiful. humbly, i may say that maybe if the point of would have been a little different (perhaps an inch or two higher) the top of the flower would have contrasted more strongly with the background.

    great pic, thenks for your inspiring work.

    please visit my portfolio and make some suggestions, as i am shure i can learn from you.



    the angle and lens chosen, the tones, the moment captured, composition, the reflections, perfect focus, etc etc etc.

    simply great and creative. a perfect mix between street photo and a carefully composed one.

    Untitled 13

    Your entire folder is great, this one beeing no exception. i like mostly the dreamlike sensation it conveys... you seem to have been sleeping in the car on the road, suddenly you weak up and see this sign for a second amidst the fog and the rain... for me it's very poetic and tells the story... the b&w tones are great.
  2. es un excelente retrato que nos dice tanto de la persona sin mostrar casi ningun detalle de su cara. sin ofender a nadie, pero la combiancion de esos zapatos con zuela gruesa y el pelo blanco es muy sugerente... excelente composicion y luz, la cara de el es genial, relajada y sonriente... sobre todo es una vision personal, expresiva y original...





    i don't know what to make of this one. i've been staring at your picture for a while.... what an original look on your subject, the placement on the corner with the extremly out of focus foreground are really interesting. with two simple elements you managed to tell a story, but one of those in wich the ending is left to the observer... a really personal take. thanks for sharing such a risky bet (i think many are not going to like at all). for me it's great. (maybe in BW with a bit more of contrast would work too?)

  3. a good moment captured, wich probably lasted for less than a second, thats deserves merit. still, sometimes what inspired or impressed you in a moment deosn't get through to the picture. in this case the eyes are too centered in the composition (maybe following the thirds rule) the background is distracting (greater aperture and smaller DOF) and the horizon a bit too close to the back of the neck of tour horse. plus i dont see him staring at me, so what you may have experienced its not quite here...


    maybe only the things that are cut on the bottom could have been omitted. everything gives this one a retro look, especialy the colors. i like how it is done, and the point low point of view used (a good photographer has to know when to get on the ground), but not so much the subject matter...
  4. nice protrait, the expression and the out of focus hand gives this one a more spontaneous and expressive feel. i get the feel that i know a bit him from this photo. maybe you could try it in BW? regards.
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