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Image Comments posted by gonaloruizesquide



    i think there ia to much in the bottom of the image, maybe the dinamism of it could have been improved by crooping it just where the is intersectedw with the diagonal of the grass...

    did you have an opportunity to wait until a car or something was in the road? that could have helped it too i think.



    he's expresson is great, ready to be a rock star....

    maybe trying it on b&w and with more contrast could make the general image a bit more rockier too, i dont know, either way it's great!

    Lion Charge


    of course, everybody knows this is a great image in every sense... great colors, exposure balance between fore and background, point of view, dramatism.... etc.

    but by sharing your technique with us, and the reasons to use it, you are giving us material to reflect and improve our own pictures, regardless they may or may not be about dangerous wild animals. thanks again.



    i agree, dramatic, expressive, creative.

    very well done, i would keep the leg, too, since it gives me a bit of context and adds dinamism to the composition (that is i'd keep it if i took the photo, wich i couldn't do in a million years...)

    ! you are an artist indeed




    great capture, creative, original, seeing beauty where it's hiding...

    you couldn't ask for much more imho





    i like very much teh variety of lights, shades and textures achieved in this one, and i think it's mainly because a good timing and point of view.



    Hold Fast!


    alberto, que diablos! esta foto está tremenda....

    hace tiempo que no metía a photonet (muy ocupado empezando a criar... jejeje) y lo primero que me encuentro es esta joya tuya, grande!


    todo me parece bien en esta foto, pero para recalcar algunas cosas que no me parece que se hayan dicho: el punto de vista alto agrega la textura del asfalto que es un fondo muy apropiado y contribuye al dramatismo de la imagen, junto con los pequeños toques de desenfoque por movimiento en algunas personas...


    que momento! que captura!


    saludos y felicitaciones por una foto de la que puedes estar orgulloso por muchos años,

    gonzalo re

    Smiles sell cars

    of course, she is stunning. but you captured her smile and gesture in a very real and expressive way, the space in the direction she is looking gives this image a very dynamic feel (but you allready know this...)
  1. i love this kind of pictures. the colors, the reflections, the unusual point of view, the fact that you highlight what to others may not be but 'looking the to other side' of the scene... great.



    the dog is beautiful, the esposure and focus are right, but the background is too distracting. perhaps a lower point of view and a smaller depth of field would be helpful. plus, maybe a bit more of space to the side where he's looking would give it a more dynamic feel, making the observer wonder what is he looking at.



    i love the tight crop too, but since her eyes and lips (and even the hair) are the most expressive parts the fact that the nose is the only thing in focus is a bit distracting.
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