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Image Comments posted by bernd_reinhardt


    I agree, the sqare crop makes it perfect. I always find it difficult to crop my own images. That's where an editor comes in handy. One of the sexiest shots I've ever seen. Everybody can imagine the rest of the woman any way they want.

    Micki #18

    The latter, her head seems unnaturally large compared to her body. By the way, I've been following your work for a long time. Obviously you are one of the regulars at photo.net and for what it is worth, I'm always looking forward to new postings of yours.

    Micki #18


    Hi Doug,


    I would either show a little more of her shoulders or give her a little less headroom. Her head seems a little big, although she is still adorable. I would also prefer a round eyelight.


    Great! When you have a great shot like this one, you look at it until something starts bothering you. I wonder if it bothers you that the camera was just slightly dutched to the right? I still give you my highest ratings.
  1. First of all, I really like this. As far as the figure on the left goes, I would make this figure solid and only leave the figure on the right semi-transparent. Also, I feel that the figure on the left needs to be lower, i.e. more of the legs need to be cropped for the perspective to be right.


    I just rated your other picture, and without knowing that this is yours too, it jumped out at me. This speaks for your very distinct style. Keep them coming.


    This has got to be one of my favorite pictures on Photo.net. I love the green and I love the grain, and even the sloppy framing succeeds in giving this picture a sense of urgency. Yes, it is not conventionally perfect, but it is as highly stylized as a feature film. It reminds me of "Black Hawk Down" BECAUSE of its unnatural colors. I assume that this was a somewhat lucky shot, but if you could manage to design a whole picture story after this photo, i.e. same style of framing, color balance, and grain, that story could easily be published in TIME Magazine or NEWSWEEK. All of a sudden a mistake would be seen as a superior stylistic choice. that is my opinion.

    Nude observer

    I really like this. It is very unusual in style. I believe that it becomes better in conjunction with your other photos because it shows that this is your style and not just an accident. I'm not a fan of digital color alteration since it becomes a cliche very easily. I would therefore love to see some of the other photos in your folder in their natural colors.
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