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mark lucas

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Image Comments posted by mark lucas



    Very good Anthony. Not much difference between the two is there?


    I see I got many more ratings than you - perhaps this is down to the light trails being more pronounced in my image?


    I wonder, way back, who was the first person to try it?


    Thanks for taking the time to comment on my picture.



    I would suggest a levels adjustment to increase contrast. Otherwise composition and pose is good.


    I would suggest uploading a larger image next time.


    Someone's ..


    Fantastic lighting and sharpness but unfortunately I feel the bowl is the "wrong" object to be in this photo. It neither complements nor contrasts the subtle, almost monotone background of the decayed frame and sill.


    I appreciate that things may be "as found", but perhaps a decaying rose or similar would complement the overall mood.

    Blue Night


    John, I left a comment on your thread in the Site Feedback Forum.


    Anyway, about the image....


    Firstly, I like it. BUT, there are some niggles. Compositionally, I think you're in too tight on the tree, which is, after all, your main subject. Perhaps a lower viewpoint would also have helped this one.


    The blue cast is nice, but overall it falls a little short.

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