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mark lucas

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Image Comments posted by mark lucas

  1. Unless it was intentional, may I suggest first removing the magenta colour cast.


    Also, perhaps crop the blown out sky completely and clone in some more hedge to fill the uneven gap at the top.

  2. Very good study of the Hornbill, but it looks like you locked focus on the beak rather than the eye which is a shame.


    I think this works better than your flamingo shot because, although they are both displaying natural behaviour, this makes for a more pleasant composition.

    Colored by Nature


    How will adjusting the monitor let him see the head (only joking).

    Jerry, you have some attractive bird poses in your folder. This is not an elegant pose.


    And, no, I won't show you any elegant pictures of birds. You asked for critique - accept critique.

    Colored by Nature

    Jerry, the colours and the way the subjects jumps out is superb, but I'm afraid for me it's not a pretty "pose". The bird is messy and doesn't even make for a good abstract (just my opinion)
  3. Personally, I think the quality of the light is better than the quality of the subject and composition - just a personal thought.


    The broken stump and the central placing of the main tree detract from the composition. Perhaps better use could have been made of the conditions?



    Hola Saul.


    Unfortunately, I don't think I'm as keen on this one as some of the other commenters. Here's why:


    There's too much "blackness" around the bottom half and particularly the left hand side. I'd be surprised if the clouds weren't added in Photoshop as they look out of place.


    The patch of cloud that we can see through in the foreground draws the eye away from the illuminated buildings which seem to be suffering from some kind of hazy effect and are neither sharp enough or prominent enough to make this one stand out from the crowd.


    Finally, I find that the sharp silhouetted trees on the left leave the composition unbalanced.

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