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Posts posted by lsaavedra

  1. <p>Wich settings do you guys normally use on you monitor when calibrating in order to match on the screen what you get out from the printer?<br>

    I have spyder2pro meter 22'' samsung LCD screen attached to a laptop (so it is my extended monitor) and a Epson R285 printer custom profiled at <a href="http://www.colorprofiles.com">www.colorprofiles.com</a><br>

    What is the proper luminance of the white point for this porpuse? I have read somewhere that it shouldn't be higher than 120 cd/m2. In that case I have to lower the contrast in my monitor down to 30% and whites don't look white anymore to me. I know that is subjective.<br>

    any advice?</p>


  2. I totally agree. I also own both cameras and for the price nowadays I'd go for the 1v. IQ would be the same but once you hold both

    cameras in your hands you'll notice where the extra money is allocated. Beside the extra features, which I love, the elan looks like a toy

    compared to the 1v, especially with the PBE2 attached. I keep the elan for traveling light though but rarely use it since I moved to digital 1

    year ago

  3. How can I make my prints match what I see on screen?<p>

    I guess the obvious answer would be profiling the printer. Ok, but what I'm after is some kind of technique to make this work without it.<br>

    I work in a laptop with one of those glossy screens but it is perfectly calibrated with a Spyder2 tool. The problem is that I get less

    saturated, less contrasty and cooler prints compared to what is seen on screen. I use Ilford galerie smooth pearl paper on an Epson R285

    photo printer. I don't have the icc profile but I use the settings suggested by Ilford in their website for this combo.<p> I would appreciate

    any tip that helps me to avoid expensive trial and error experiments. Thanks

  4. Hi all, this may sound like an stupid question, and probably it is.<br> I'm new to inkjet printing. I used to take all my work to a digital lab to

    have it printed on laserjet machines. However I decided to give the inkjet technology a shot for two reasons: laziness/comfort and the pearl

    finish look that I miss from my days at the wet dark darkroom.<p>

    Here is my question: I have an epson R285/290 and I intend to use ilford galerie smooth pearl paper. I've seen on Ilford's web site that

    there are several icc profiles for download for different printers/papers combination. The icc profile for my printer is not available. Can I use

    the icc profile for the next model (R360) as it uses the same type of ink and presumably the same printing technology?

  5. Hi all, I'm not really sure if this topic fits this category but here it goes anyways.<p>


    I have the Hyperdrive HD-80 portable mass storage device and I use NiMH rechargeable batteries with it.

    What I have observed is that the batteries inside last much much less than for example in m flash strobe.

    Even keeping the HD-80 off in about two weeks the batteries are dead wile the same set of batteries last

    for more that two months if stored aside.<p>


    It is annoying to remove and put batteries every time to maintain the power. Moreover, the plastic door to

    access the batteries compartment seems to be not so resistant to do this in a regular basis.<p>


    has anyone had the same experience with the hyperdrive HDD? what might be causing this issue?<br>

    Thanks for the input

  6. Hi all, I'm not really sure if this topic fits this category but here it goes anyways.<p>


    I have the Hyperdrive HD-80 portable mass storage device and I use NiMH rechargeable batteries with it.

    What I have observed is that the batteries inside last much much less than for example in m flash strobe.

    Even keeping the HD-80 off in about two weeks the batteries are dead wile the same set of batteries last

    for more that two months if stored aside.<p>


    It is annoying to remove and put batteries every time to maintain the power. Moreover, the plastic door to

    access the batteries compartment seems to be not so resistant to do this in a regular basis.<p>


    has anyone had the same experience with the hyperdrive HDD? what might be causing this issue?<br>

    Thanks for the input

  7. I had the same dilema a while ago. Finally I decided to go for the 40D. I do not regret, it's a

    really nice camera. I had already the 17-40L that fits perfectly on the body. The only thing

    that I miss is the potential of my TS-E 24L which is not the same on a crop sensor. Because

    of that I still have a film body on my bag to shoot almost exclusively with that lens. When the

    5D MII (or whatever it may be called) comes out it's possible that I'll get it as well. The point

    is that if I hadn't the TS-E lens I would be more than happy with my 40D. Cheers

  8. I have a 1v and I'm planning to keep it. In my case I moved to a 40D so the full frame still

    makes a difference for me, mainly in combination with my TS-E 24mm L. In addition I still

    shoot B&W. Anyway, the main reason for keeping it was the ridiculous price that I would get

    for it. It's simply not worth it. If I had been able to sell it decently I would have gone for a 5D

    instead. For the moment I'm ok with this combo. Maybe in the future I will get a full frame

    DSRL (7D or whatever it will be called). But still, I'll keep my 1v for the B&W stuff

  9. The same to me. I mix cooled water from the fridge with tap water to make 20C solution (30

    seconds job). Then prepare my developing solution with that water (I used exclusively HC-

    110) and develop normally. I do not care about temperature of stop bath and fixer at all. I

    ocassions I prepare a thermostated bath to dip the tank in when the developing time is on

    the long side. Hope this helps.

  10. Buenas Pepe. Yo hice lo mismo hace algunos a�os. Me fui para allᠰor motivos de trabajo

    y estuve viviendo en NJ durante unos meses. En mi caso todo fue mucho m᳠econ�mico

    ya que si compras a travé³ de internet con destino fuera del estado de NY no pagas los

    impuestos de venta (que es el ocho y pico porciento). En mi vieje de vuelta el oficial de

    aduanas me pregunt� "?algo que declarar?" yo respond�O, y adios muy buenas. Eso si

    traí¡ mi mochila cargada de equipo que fui adquiriendo en esos meses, incluyendo 3

    objetivos serie L, escaner de negativos y accesorios varios para la cá­¡ra.<p>Hoy en dí¡ 

    resulta m᳠econ�mico (al menos desde europa) comprar en ebay. Te recomiento

    digitalrev, en hong kong. Vale la pena echar un vistazo.<p>Saludos

  11. Yes you're right, it should be but it isn't. I assume that the SFW function automatically

    converts the file to sRGB and when the ICC profile is activated then PS tags the file as sRGB

    regardless of where it comes from.<p>


    My point is that the two non ICC profiled images look identical, the same occurs with the

    two ICC profiled images, but these pairs look diferent to each other. What I observe is that

    the real difference is placed on that specific option of the SFW command and not in

    converting the file to sRGB in PS color managment.<p>


    I would greatly appreciate any confirmation or correction of this assessment

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