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Image Comments posted by m_bailey

    naschmarkt II

    You caught what appears to be a nice moment, but unfortunately this shot is poorly composed and just too shaky to be useable. In short, you seem to know WHEN to shoot, but need to improve your technique: the HOW.

    Boston Library

    Robert -- as a former Boston resident, it's nice to see some photos from home. That said, some nitpicking: I would've set myself lower and to the right a bit to separate the flag from the statue's head and to give the hand and ball a little negative space on the right side of the frame rather than cutting the frame on the point of focus. Best of luck.


    Excellent color rendition. I had to adjust the gamma on my monitor to see the guy frame left, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one that it was my fault. Despite the fact that the composition is clearly bounded by the red bulb left, lit sign top, phone booth left it still leaves me a bit uneasy and I'm not sure why. I might have titled down and lost that top sign.
  1. I disagree with Angel. Obviously the color on the clown is bright and vibrant and the background remains more drab and neutral. As it is though, this shot tells me little about the clown and his environment, and it tells me less by cropping in further as Angel suggests. I would motion for a wider survey of the scene to make the picture less of a voyeuristic moment of this one man and more of a story about the relationship between him and the world around him. Good luck.

    metro Madrid

    Not bad, though a stronger shot was perhaps available by bringing the level of the camera down a bit and to the left to include a foreground person on the seats next to you. Focus or camera shake seems a bit soft, but that could be the scan too.
  2. Excellent "moment-to-shoot" and use of the frame. Nice tonality too. The ambiguity of the situation veers away from strict reportage and toward something more meaningful. Nice work.


    Ray, Thanks for your kind words re: my own dabblings... I really enjoyed all four of your posts, but this is my favorite. Really love the quirky exclusion of any of the horses' heads. Nice work. Best, M.
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