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Posts posted by exp.

  1. Hello,


    I've been trying to calibrate my monitor, Samsung 710N-2-BK, since this morning (I do it every two weeks). I'm

    using Eye-One Display 2 with the latest version of the software, v3.6.2. Until today I never experienced any

    issues, and I've done this many, many times. It first started with the getting the right RGB numbers to get to

    6500K. It took a while but I managed to get there somehow, however, the green is 26 numbers lower than blue, and

    29 then the red. That's OK I guess, but with such a huge difference in numbers, it is hard to achieve the right

    luminance (120). To get the luminance of 120 I had to increase the usual brightness number from 22 to 74. You can

    imagine what happened then....it was so bright I had to look the other way.


    From my understanding of CM, it is OK to have luminance of say 95 if you work in dimmer environment (as I do),

    but my environment has never changed, yet the numbers have gone wild. So I've recalibrated it and left it with

    the luminance set to 95, however, the color is off so bad it's ridiculous. Please look at the photo for a visual

    example of these numbers.


    Any ideas on what might have gone bad? Monitor or calibrator? Or just another Windows (XP Pro SP3) thing?


    Thanks for your help!









  2. Thank you guys for your help. This indeed has done it! There is on the other hand a cost to

    this; it takes much, much longer to crop it manually + times it takes to crop "leftovers" in PS.

    And for some reason it even won't scan as good as it did with auto autothumbnailing turned

    on. This may make no sense, but my results are such. Anyway, turning autothumbnailing



    Thanks a lot!



  3. Hello,


    I've been using the Epson 4990 for the last couple of days, primarily for scanning my negs.

    I have noticed something that I don't like. The 4990 crops approximately 20% of my

    negatives. Target size is set to "original", trimming is OFF. I remember having the same

    issue with my old Canon 5000F, but the 5000F didn't crop as much as the 4990 does.

    Does anyone have any idea on why I'm getting such results? And how could I "fix" this? I

    think I'm doing somehting wrong, but I can't see what.


    Thank a lot!


  4. Thank you guys for your replies. Robert, I plan to scan 35mm. Doug, what you suggested is one of the options I've been thinking about. And I had the exact Minolta scanner in my mind. At the price of $230 it's a bargain. What keeps me away from this scanner is that it employes Minolta's Auto-Dust Brush, which seems not to do such a good job as the 9950F's FARE, or the 4870's ICE. I have read reviews for the 9950F & 4870 at www.photo-i.co.uk. The scan quality seems to be pretty equal, with Canon being quite faster. Giampero, the 4990 will probably be one hell of a scanner, but at the street price of $600, as they say it's going to cost, I'll be fine even with the 9950 of 4870 :)

    Unofficially, I think I'll probably go with the 9950F.....


    Thank you guys for your time...



  5. Hello,


    I'll be purchasing a flatbed scanner (with film adapter) pretty soon

    and I would need some help from those who have tried different models.

    My budget is $400. I do know there are quite a few scanners in that

    range, but with all different reviews I have seen it's really hard to

    decide. I'm looking for something that will be able to scan my slides

    and negatives decently yet not be very slow scanner. What would be the

    best combination of the two? I have narrowed it to Epson Perfection

    4870 and Canon 9950F, but you feel free to suggest something else. For

    its ICE for both film & prints Epson looks like a better choise. What

    are your thoughts?


    Thanks a lot!


  6. I've come here to ask the same question, and look, the very first question on this forum is that one....:)

    However, I'd like to ask one more thing; last year I used a 400, print film for the 4th of July firework. I got some pretty good results, especially when you consider it was my first time. Anyway, now I see that everybody's suggesting that a 100 film is a better solution. Ok, I'll stick to it this year, but should I then use a slide or print film?


    Thanks a LOT!

  7. Hello,


    I need an advice on something I've never done before, and frankly,

    about something I know nothing about. Since I know nothing on this

    subject please don't be cruel to me :)

    I want to try to make some sort of studio portraits, but right know I

    can't afford any basic studio lighting, meaning I have to try to

    improvise something.

    So my question is, is it possible to use this type of reflector as a

    main or fill light?

    This particular reflector uses a 250W T type bulb. If possible then

    I'd buy probably two more stronger reflectors, maybe one 500W and one

    1000W, or two 500W.

    Please let know if can use this type of light. Please include any

    suggestion you may have.


    Thanks to all of you!!!



  8. Hi everybody!


    I have a couple of questions for the people with some experience in

    studio lighting. Before I say anything else I want to say that my

    knowledge of studio lighting is equal to nothing.

    I�ve been asked to make a few portraits of my friend�s girlfriend.

    Since it�s portraits I enjoy the most I�d like to make some decent

    work, which I hopefully will. We have arranged neither place nor time,

    but I�m planning to have it done in the next 7 days, and in the mean

    time I�ll be preparing all I may need. I�ve decided to use the

    following films: Fuji Astia 100, Kodak Portra 400NC, Fuji NPH 400,

    Kodak Tri-X or Ilford Delta 400. Most of my portraits have been done

    outdoor, with only few made indoor. This time I�d like to try to make

    a few portraits indoor, using more than just available light (and to

    avoid usage of flash). However, for this I would need some equipment I

    do not possess. I also possess no equipment you�d use in the studio.

    Nevertheless, I�d like to try to �improvise� some �studio lighting�

    that might give me some solid results.


    So my question for you guys would be: is there some CHEAP way to

    improvise some basic studio lighting? If so, what piece(s) of

    equipment is a must? Please give me as much advises as possible as

    I�ll definitely need them.


    Thanks to ALL!

  9. Hello,


    Please tell me where should I store my films? I always keep them in

    the refrigerator, but I'm not sure if all kinds of films should be

    kept in it. Is there any kind of film that should not be kept there?

    Films I usually use are Kodak Tri-X, Kodak Gold 400, and since a few

    days ago, slide films.


    Thanks to ALL of you.

  10. Hello!

    Comparing the quality and the price what would you choose? Does

    anyone know a little bit more about these two cameras?

    I want to buy a new camera but can't decide which one. I've thought

    to buy F100 but I've read so many bad reviews and do not know what to


    Thank you in advance

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