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Posts posted by denisbergeron

  1. <p>Hi everybody,<br>

    After seven year of thinking about it I got a rz67, almost new.<br>

    Come in pieces apart!<br>

    I attach every part into the body.... I remove the film holder lot of time and reput it without problem... I remove the flim holder to see how to put film onit... I try to put it back and then I can't slide the lock to lock the film holder to the body !<br>

    Huch ! I read and reread the manual... and then the brain go off!<br>

    Google all the way ! Can't find anything....<br>

    Hope simply someone here already had this kind of problem and tell me what I'm doing wrong.<br>

    Thank you,<br>

    Denis Bergeron</p>

  2. <p>I use lot old manual focus lens. <br>

    I want to buy a split focusing screen for my 5dMarkII.<br />Of course, I read a lot a post about theses and find a lot of provider of theses systems.<br />From 25$ to 110$ for the same kind of Split Focusing Screen<br />Does someone have some experience with :</p>





    <li>and the ebay seller jinfinance </li>


    <p>I can't find a direct comparison between them.<br>

    Thank you for you input.<br>

    Denis Bergeron </p>


  3. <p>

    <p>You can also find Russian made m42 mount manual focus "Helios 44" or "Helios 44-2" it's a 85mm f1.5 incredibly sharp. I have the first model, it's suberbe.</p>

    <p> </p>


  4. Usualy to recover from the flash card you should connect the card <b>directly</b> to the computer with a card reader. If you use the camera to read the card, the camera made a "translation" and your computer can't access the card directly. <br>

    If you don't have a card reader, go and get one for less than 20$ anywhere. <br>

    You can also use it to transfert your photo to you computer, it's usualy faster than thru the computer.

    By the way, even if you have a firewire 800 on you mac, buy a USB2 reader, it will be faster.

  5. What inexpensive is for you ? And what kind of learning to you want to do ? <br>

    You can have older Pentax Screw Mount (m42) 20mm f3.5 for 100$. <br>

    <a href="http://rugift.com/photocameras/mir_20m_lens_for_canon_eos.htm">Or you can get a russian mir 20mm f3.5

    with EOS mount for 180$</a> <br>

    <a href="http://rugift.com/photocameras/mir_20m_lens.htm">Or event the same with m42 for 149$</a> plus <a

    href="http://rugift.com/photocameras/canon-eos-adapter-focus-confirm.htm"> the focus confirmation adaptor

    for another 50$</a> <br>

    I give rugift as a link, but you can get it elsewhere also. Search for the lens in google.

  6. Hello everyone,


    Since this week, my old 5d (I buy it on march 2006) with 2x the counter start to write slooooooooooooly on my

    olds Extreme IV and Extreme III Sandisk 4g cards.

    2-3s for one pictures


    I reformat the cards


    I try to check the custom function menu, the last thing I chance was the mirror lookup... so I check every

    setting to see if something can influence the writing speed and I don'T find anything....

    If someone have any ideas, I will take them.


    Thank you all !


  7. I use a lot of m42 lens on my ElanIIe, 10d, 20d and 5d, I have the normal focusing screen on all camera and all my lenses focus on infinit. I use m42 lens on canon since 2001 without noticiable problem (except for the 8mm peleng who hit the mirror on the 5d). I have only one adaptor and it's a old one without focus confirmation. I buy it on ebay.


    Look at http://rugift.com/photocameras/m42_lenses_adapters.htm you can even find one with focus confirmation chip.

  8. Hello everyone,


    It's a silly question, but I don't find any information anywhere, even on the

    photoshop site, someone ask the same question but without answer.


    Did someone knows how to set photoshop cs3 Camera Raw to convert the raw 12 bit

    to a 16 bits images insteed of the default 8 bits ?


    I have a 5d and when I open image in cs3, Camera raw open it as a 8 bits (the

    line in the bottom of the screen in Camera Raw) I have to click on the line,

    choose 16 bits every single time I open a file in CS3, that's very silly.


    I read all the document search throw google more than once... I don't find a way

    to save this setting. In bridge you can save setting of camera raw, but not this



    In CS2, Camera Raw convert automaticly in 16 bits, in CS3 it's 8 bits. Is it a

    bug introduced by Adobe to sell the CS4 suite ?

  9. I do a lot of birds with the 500mm f4, I use a mono on my waist with a ballhead completely loose. This setup give-me the posibility of handholding the 500 without fatigue for long period.

    Look in my portfolio you will see photos of me with the 500....

  10. Why in the world someone will use only one lens. If it's a question of budget, get a 50mm.


    For my self, I work with a full frame and if I have to use only one lens, it will be my 85mm f1.2, because it is a fast lens, a portrait lens, a real fun lens, a small telephoto. and a very, very very sharp lens.


    My second choise will be the Sigma 12-24mm, maybe it's not the best sharp lens like the 24-105mm but, what a field of view, what a composition nightmare, but what Wow picture go out of this one.

  11. It's time to me to change my monitor. Il hope to find the perfect monitor with

    the better resolution and the better color management.


    I think that the 30 inches LCD have the better resolution out there, but which

    one have the better color management,I'm looking for the Apple or Dell monitor,

    but if someone have another brand to suggest, do it!


    Actually, I'm on PC, but also thinking of switching to Mac for my next computer

    that,s why I look at the Apple, but I know that both computer will work on both



    Someone here can point me of test or informations about the color of theses

    monitors... I try google and the dpr search engine, but I don't find any good


    Did someone have experience with both monitor?


    Thank you everybody

  12. @ Pete : The Sigma is 6.3 and it will focus on any Canon bofy because it send false information to the body. <br> <br>


    @ Luis : I have the Canon 100-400 L for more than 4 years. And I can tell you, with my experiance, the dusts problem is a myth. I use it regulary, maybe a little less since I have the 500mm f4, but I use it because it is light. I also use it with the 1.4x tamron because this TC don'T inform the body of its presence. So, the 400 can focus with the 1.4x in place.

  13. I do some IR photography with my 10d or 5d. I think the 40d will do the same. Use a tripod, use a r72 or other IR filter in front of you lens. 2 minutes ? 30 seconds in full sun light at f4.<br>

    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/2720157">You</a> <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/2624109">can</a> <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/2619976">see</a> <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/2619927">some</a> <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/1743339">samples</a> <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/1742568">in</a> <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/1735540">my</a> <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/1686447">portfolio.</a><br>

    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/2628450">With the 10d or other camera</a>

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