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Image Comments posted by mcrodgers2

  1. Interesting choice to only color the sky. In most photos taken at night the sky is boring black black black.


    Most B&W and colorized shots I've seen color the subject...not the background. Very interesting choice!

  2. This shot is posted at too large of a format, so I could only see it on my monitor with the lower half cropped off.


    It looked goo that way...maybe better.

    Behaps repost it with smaller height else play around with cropping it.



    I agree with Stefaan Kiebooms.


    This is a nice photo but would have been better if you could have gotten under the angelfish and shot with a more upward angle.


    Downward angled shots using the bottom as a background tend to camouflage the U/W animals. It is often better to get some of the surface behind the subject. This gives better contrast and a less concealing background.


    Don't get me wrong, however. This is a beautiful shot!


  3. How would one improve the sharpness other than using a higher quality (any likely more expensive) lens? I see a lot of exceptionally sharp photos on photo.net and wonder how that is achieved. It can't be just from a small aperture and slower film.



    For more contrast I would use a polarizing filter to darken the clouds if the sun is at the right angle. Colored filters will darken their opposite color in B&W photos (i.e. red will darken greens, yellow filters darken blues etc.)


  4. This in not so much an ad for KFC but a popular landmark that I

    thought was worth trying to capture.


    This big guy seems to be the marker by which all driving directions

    in Marietta are referenced. "A mile past the big chicken then left

    at the Waffle House..."



    I would go into PhotoShop and remove the darker face and I try dodging the right hand and bow a bit. Try this and see if it looks better.


    I think the second darker face is distracting. Maybe crop out the dark left side of the shot...but maybe not. That otherwise blank dark space on the left kind of adds to the dark emptiness around the cellist and adds to bigness of that space.


    Nice photo!

  5. Because this shot has been posted at a large size I can't view the whole length vertically except at the small size. Interestingly the shot looks much better when you cant view it all at once.


    I'd try cropping the lower 1/8 of the shot, right up to the beginning of the gate and enlarging a bit. This adds emphasis to the row of people marching along in the distance.


    Cropped and enlarged this shot really holds your attention. It's the way the fence, the road and the people all seem to converge at a very distant point. Its hard to tell whether the people are traveling away from or toward the gate, which also adds interest.


    Looks like a long, cold road to travel !


    Try my cropping idea and see if this shot rates higher.


  6. Thanks Tom Meyer for the advice about the Jackson Street Bridge! LOL. I did meet a few interesting folks there. Most were friendly but I was watching my back the whole time.


    Yeah...you're right about the originality part. I'm relatively new to Atlanta so this spot is new to me but I've heard this local and vantage point has been photo'd to death.


    I'm still happy with it.

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