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Posts posted by unohuu

  1. I know that my SR7 has a good battery in it, but I can't make the

    meter needle move. I can use the camera with handhelf meter, but

    would like the convenience of this on camera model. I know that the

    meter needle can move as it shakes with the camera. What might be a

    simple fix for this before I take it in for an estimate?

  2. Robert, I would love to have a Contax camera, but I would have to move into my car. My wife already thinks I have too many cameras and one as expensive as the Contax might drive her over the edge. My choice is being narrowed to something that I can use daily (Canon, Yashica, Minolta) and has either batteries readily available or easily obtainable.


    What about the differences between the Lynx 5000 and the 14? There is a .4 difference in speed, but is it noticeable? Would I get that much more use out of it? What about the metering? How bright a viewfinder (old guy with increasingly tough eye problems). Thanks so much everyone for you patience!

  3. I would like a RF camera to keep with me. Two models that seem to

    have the features I want are the Lynx 14(e); 5000 and this quaint

    looking Voigtlander Vitomatic II. I am looking for users of these

    cameras to tell me about their experiences with them. I would like

    to have a RF to keep with me for those just in case situations, some

    street shooting (farmer's market, fairs, actual demonstrations,

    etc), situations where I could not use my SLR. Any constructive

    critcism greatly appreciated. Luke

  4. I have been searching for processing mix and times for Fujifilm Neopan

    SS. This is a new film for me and I am just learning about processing

    B&W film and do not want to add more chemicals. So does anyone know

    what the mix and time would be for this film with Iford Ilfosol?

  5. I am joining the weeding choir and singing your praises. I think the shots are wonderful. They have your STYLE already written all over them. They carry your sense of wedding photography vision. Great job. I too like the off balance and angled shots. A creative way of telling the bride and groom their lives will never be the same again.



  6. "Next thing was to order some 127 film which I am assured is on the way. I will post first results (if useable) when I find someone to process it."


    Harry, you want some place that develops 127 film. I can tell you that Universal Color in Crystal, MN <http://www.universalcolor.com> does a great job and it is not too expensive either. Universal Color

    7700 42nd Avenue North

    MN 55427 New Hope

    United States

    Phone: 1-800-325-6774

    Fax: 763-535-0163

  7. David, we are Minolta shooters. That is enough to stir up a controversy anywhere there are photographers. We have not backed down from the Nikon and Canon apostasy, so let's give it a try. Start with the Gardens Alive. I am taking credit for starting the brouhaha if one begins.
  8. I notice some of the other fora have w/nw postings with images. Is

    this just not something that the Minolta forum has shown an interest

    in or is there a prohibition of it? I know some of you are really

    competent photographers and I think you could inspire some of us who

    are struggling sometimes and we could show of how are great Minolta-

    minds work. What do you think? I can't post one now, but I promise

    I will when the kids are in bed tonight.

  9. if you have any other Minolta flashes such as the 3500xi, the 5400xi, 3600hss, 5400hss then you can use the stand that accompanies those wireless flashes. if you do not have one you can purchase one from KEH or search the great e-Bay. The KEH purchase might not justify the huge s/h charge, but if you are buying something else it would fit in nicely. a second option is to ask on the Minolta lists if someone has an extra they are willing to part with. Good luck!
  10. unless of course you have one of those wonderful climate sealed cameras like the Minolta Maxxum 9. Even then you have to be careful of the lenses; that rain is a prime opportunity for the beginnings of fungus in the lens.
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