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Image Comments posted by kyle_cassidy

  1. to tell you the truth, i'm a total hack when it comes to lights. i know nothing. gel? balance? i wish i was a little more meticulous and i wish i knew how to make something look like either moonlight or street light or sunlight but, as it is, i have no clue.

    Cart grab

    i think you could do well to add a flash to your setup, it's a great photo as is, but an off camera flash to the left providing some fill, or even to allow you to shoot in the dark would ramp this up.

    on Milford Sound

    i'm not seeing anything special here. apart from the fact that the shooter was on a boat, i'm not getting a story from this image. shooting into the sun doesn't help it. it's difficult to photograph a vista like this and have it capture the actual view. maybe a polarizer and a wider lens would have helped. search for a more interesting framing. the water cutting right across the center of the frame isn't usually a good idea. take a look at the rule of thirds and look for a centerpiece to your image. good luck.
  2. i'd guess you know it's a pretty good image. there are a few elements that add to it, nice blue sky, good usage of foreground elements, the fact that the horizion doesn't cut straight across the middle, and the fact that you have a cool wide angle lens. nice job.

    Big Bee

    nicely done -- on a site where we see many photos like this, i find the framing refreshing. part of me wants to see a fill flash and super high shutterspeed freezing the bees wings, but another part of me is perfectly happy with the display of motion. a fantastic bug shot!
  3. I'd always liked the Dresden Dolls, an alternative/punk band from boston. When they came through Philadelphia on tour with The Legendary Pink Dots I knew I wanted to photograph them. Especially since the house next to mine had collapsed during hurricane Irene. That's like synchronicity, right?


    i'm not a big fan of "urban decay" photos but hopefully this is not that. i'm interested in hearing what you think about quality cookware, guitars, and, of course, this photo.

    New wrinkles

    there's a lot that could be done with a dog like this. angle is the first thing that looks ordinary about it. try getting down on the animals level and maybe closer. i think the folded skin is where it's at....
  4. on the one hand the composition is really nice and unexpected, but i'm not a fan of the light which puts bad shadows on the nose and the hat seems blown out. lacks some contrast taht would help and looks a bit bright. it's a better than "average" photo, but from the composition, i can tell the photographer is better than "average" and as such i'm holding him to a higher standard.


    ideas fine. but this isn't the best you can do with your macro lens. try and isolate the foreground more fully, maybe a wider aperture. also it looks a bit muddy, more light up front. maybe even a fill flash would help here.


    certianly above average for a photograph, but there are some really stunning macro / flower photos on photo.net, so the competition is fierce -- in this one i'd like to see sharper focus, more contrast, and the oof area i find distracting (the white flower in the background specifically). as a "hey, i just got a macro lens!" shot it's fine. maybe using a reflector to throw some extra light onto this side of the flower....
  5. finally! a photo of the week that i can actually agree with. i've followed mark's portfolio for a long time now, the pictures are amazing. beautiful work. really. there's nothing wrong with this shot. it's gorgeous.
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