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Posts posted by jady

  1. <p>I have documented my methodology for developing B&W film in Diafine.<br>

    I need step-by-step instructions, so I did this for myself - I'm getting old, with memory problems.<br>

    My documentation is really too detailed, with pictures, to reproduce here in the forum.<br>

    So, see it here:<br>

    <a href="http://www.freeveda.org/camera/MinoxDevelop.htm">http://www.freeveda.org/camera/MinoxDevelop.htm</a><br>

    The table of contents for my Minox Film Project is here:<br>

    <a href="http://www.freeveda.org/camera/MinoxFilmProject.htm">http://www.freeveda.org/camera/MinoxFilmProject.htm</a><br>

    with links to details on chemicals, film drying, etc.<br>

    Please feel free to comment on my procedures and techniques.</p>


  2. <p>I've been working on my Minox film project for several years. <br /> Not yet finished, but my FilmTray is working well and I want to share. <br /> <br /> FilmTray is a film strip carrier designed to hold Minox 9.2mm film in a digital scanner. <br /> While designed for the Wolverine F2D 35mm Film to Digital Scanner, <br /> it should be useful with other scanners by cutting notches to match pegs in tray.<br>

    I must say, my still-experimental ScanDcam provides better resolution; <br /> sorry, not ready for publication.<br /> <br /> FilmTray is documented at the freeVEDA.org/camera/FilmTray.htm web page. <br /> Tell me what you think.</p>

  3. I have the original M3 - not satisfied. I recently got the M3 Plus - much better. Much to be desired. Still, with

    the view-screen and focusing from close-up (0.5 meter) to 1 meter to infinity, I think I like it. Apparently the

    slowest shutter speed is 1/10 second and the "film" speed is 100ASA. I don't like flash, with all those

    distracting shadows, so I'm interested in low-light photography. I didn't expect much but maybe it's okay; see

    for yourself the attached low-light images. For outdoor photos in bright sunlight, if may be necessary to adjust

    the EV on the camera's menu.


    Photo.net is too cumbersome for attaching images, so look here:



  4. Yes, certainly. Using EC and C mostly but also B and IIIs. I use Blue Moon for developing and new film when they have it. Must find another source for film because Blue Moon has run out. I use ASA 400 color print film. Had used MicroTek in CA and Minox Processing in NY years past, but they are gone or unreliable. Someday I may develop myself (yea right!, I still have several rolls of half-frame 35mm slide film in the refrigerator to be developed, decades old). I love the format, the grain, the always-there camera. And just the fun of taking picture with a Minox. For air travel I use the MiniDigi and a Polaroid digital - not the same thrill as using a Minox with REAL film.
  5. I put my empty cameras away in a storage area. My active cameras

    always have film. Whenever I remove film I insert a new roll, usually

    in the field. My most-used camera is a Minox EC. Also use Acmel MD

    and a few other "strange" 8x11 cameras: Chadt Cam Watch M1 (very

    tiny) and a Minimax-lite lighter camera (lighter no longer works,

    anyone know where I can get a replacement?).

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