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Posts posted by frank_scheitrowsky1

  1. <p>Seriously now, if you aren't getting along with the OM4T with it's averaging multi-spot metering capabilities, then the OM2SP is not the camera for you either, because it's <a href="http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4ACAW_enCA342CA343&sa=X&ei=aKo4TtHIL_SfsQLEj9we&ved=0CBUQBSgA&q=raison+d%27etre&spell=1"><strong><em>raison</em></strong> <strong><em>d'etre</em></strong></a> <br />is it's spot metering capability. Perhaps and OM2n with just it's auto exposure and averaging meter is better.</p>
  2. <p>Macro lenses are a must if one is photographing a flat subject straight on and need sharp focus from corner to corner. No lesser option will do. </p>

    <p>The least expensive way to play with macro however is with diopter lens filters that screw onto your existing lens. No so suitable for flat copy work, but fun and cheap.</p>

    <p>Another inexpensive alternative is a reversing ring. It screws onto the front of a lens like a filter, and allows the lens to be bayonetted (backwards) onto the camera body. </p>

  3. <p>IMO: Art appreciation, of any type, is subjective. What is good to one person, can be poor to another. On a personal experiential level, there is no right or wrong, no absolute good or bad art, no artistic or trashy. Only from academic, anthropological, and historical perspectives can valid (but still debateable) value judgements be made about works of art, including nudes.</p>

    <p>Interesting debate though. One learns more about the debators themselves than the issue debated.</p>

  4. <p>The KM is a rugged mechanical body with traditional dial controls. The ME Super is much smaller, electronic, and push button controlled. You have to decide which feels better to you.</p>

    <p>Would you be interested in a black MX with 50f2 for $150? It needs new seals though.</p>

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