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Posts posted by frank_scheitrowsky1

  1. <p>For total manual control:<br>

    A screw mount Barnack Leica with 35mm Summaron or 50mm colasible Elmar lens would be great - no heavier than a Canonet. <br>

    Mountaineers used to take Rollei 35s on climbs, so it would be good on a bike too - fully manual control with a meter.</p>

  2. <p>With colour neg film, if the leak comes from the back, light has to travel through the orange mask of the film, so the light leak will appear orange.<br>

    If the light leak appears whitish like yours, the leak is from the camera in front of the film emulsion.<br>

    Further diagnosis can be made by noting if the light leak is contained within the film gate, or if it extends outside the film frame as in your example.<br>

    As stated in a previous post, the image is formed upside down in the camera, so a light leak at the bottom of a frame as in your example, comes from the top of the camera.<br>

    Good luck!</p>

  3. <p>Given that the image is upside down on the neg in the camera, wouldn't you expect the issue to be at the top of the film gate, and doesn't the FM shutter open from the top to the bottom, so that the shutter bounce would affect the bottom of the neg which would be the top in the picture? Please someone explain this. </p>
  4. <p>Again, just like a slowed shutter curtain, light fogging would add additional exposure and hence density to the negative, resulting in a lightened area on the positive.</p>


    <address>A dark area on the positive image (that is posted) means less exposure (or development) in that region. I'm going with the camera strap hanging in front of the lens idea.</address>

  5. <p>"I guess it comes down to whether you consider the camera as an object to look at or not. "<br>

    Seems to me like you're just looking to put down others over an inconsequential choice. <br>

    There's too much hate in the world already. Just relax and take pictures.<br>

    The initial reason for chrome back in the 1920s, was that it resisted wear better than other finishes available. Wear, as obtained by folks using their cameras to take pictures, not as objects of art. <br>

    Why not just say that you prefer black cameras. Why the judgement?</p>

  6. I found the M5 too big. I find the CL a bit small and cramped. A traditional M camera has the right amount of real estate to hang on to. I still have a CL though, because of its good points: it takes the wide and interesting assortment of M mount and screw mount lenses (with adaptor), it has a built in light meter, and it's the smallest camera that does, for when one size and weight is a consideration. A leather case helps the hold-ability of a CL and allows it to hang horizontal. For your dad, you should also consider a Bessa body where AE is an option.
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