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Image Comments posted by mistym

    Deep Sleep

    Really really cute. Can you use photoshop or something to burn out the whites a little bit? Their just bright enough to be distracting, and it is hard to tell what the picture is at first.
  1. This is a beautiful shot, the colors are very dream-like. What catches me up though is that I didn't notice the reflection until I'd looked at it for some time, I wonder if there is any way to draw more attention to that, as it certainly ups the originality and interest of the photo...


    I think this might have a more subtle effect with her mouth closed. The coloring and light are nice and soft, but the attitude contrasts with that.


    Her expression and pose is nice. The lighting is too harsh on her forehead though, and I would crop above the jeans as they are just a splash of light at the corner of the frame - and they are sloppy looking. I agree that the bright "Minnesota" draws your eye as well - though this was probably what she wanted in some respects.
  2. I agree with the crop comment, that's about all you could do. This isn't for everyone, but something I have been playing with is "slicing" my pictures - long lean crops rather than the typical wide rectangle. There is a nice line right about the three sheeps heads where you could crop it straight across. I actually first saw this done by a local photographer at an art fair, he uses it for livestock photos- and he was incredibly popular with the people at the fair.
  3. This is very original for a flower shot, I love the curling of the leaves. Does the original have the curve of the bottom petal included? I think that's the only thing that I would suggest is including the bottom of the bottom petal if possible, and maybe brightening up the whites a bit, but this is really pretty!


    Hi Stacey - I agree with Stan that you have other photos that are better (I especially like the black and white of the single cow), but I think you are right about your audience, and that this would be a good pick.

    Victoria 6/2002

    I looked at the other shots of this woman in your folder, and I don't think this is her best angle (because of her nose perhaps). Several of the others are much nicer. Also the nails in the center of the photograph bother me, they're distracting, and also the manicure has grown out and you can see the tree beneath the heavy white in the nails - which makes them look dirty. I like several of your other pictures of Victoria!
  4. You should check out the picture in Ben Blackstone's portfolio of a real sleeping lion on a ledge. Just a few days ago I had made a comment there and posted a picture (not one that I took though) of this monument. This was my favorite sculpture that I saw in Switzerland during the six months I spent travelling there. I don't think you can capture the real emotion of it in a photo though... it's too bad. Nice shot!
  5. Maybe a little more baby and a little less sky? Since she is sitting the barefeet in the sand sticking out beneath the dress would have added a cuteness quotient.. Turning her a little more toward the sun may have lit up her face a little bit more. It looks like it was an overcast day...


    I agree- the second dog and especially the white paws of the second dog, in addition to the angle of the view and the curves created is what really makes this unique!

    red sunrise

    This looks really beautiful in the thumbnail because you can't see the white of the lights - can you use photoshop (or something similar) to black them out entirely? It's a really nice photo, I love the texture of the clouds.
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