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Posts posted by tom_tong

  1. I don't think the answers above has covered up 100% of your

    intention/need to photograph. If your are to record life, why you need

    to keep lenses of the same focal length, a few camera bodies.....tons

    of equipment? To most of us (at least to me), we have hard earned the

    money and we've got to be rewarded. Somebody go out to have fine food

    or wine, some buy expensive cars or watches, enjoy their lifes one

    way or the other. Some, like me, enjoy looking at good photographs,

    buy good cameras with the hope to making good photographs and to enjoy

    the process of taking photographs. Except those professional

    photographers who make their living by shooting photos, we all are

    amateurs and photographing is just our hobby - quite an expensive

    hobby though!

  2. Hi friends,




    Why I was asking this question?




    Sometimes I feel I am lucky to have owned such a good quality camera

    and a few of the best lenses. But sometimes I feel I am not lucky

    enough to have enough time to shoot. I think the luckiest would be

    those professional photogs who on one hand can enjoy their hobby at

    all times whilst making the money on the other hand. I just want to

    know how the amateurs here to spend time to shoot to see if I am

    already lucky enough. Regards,

  3. Hi everybody,

    Just wonder, as a amateur, how many roll of film you can shoot per week. Why this question? I have two children, supposed to have enough target for shooting, but sometimes still unable to finish one roll of 36 exposures. Maybe the kids are still young and thus require more time from me to take care of them so I have less time to go out street shooting. How about you? Regards,

  4. "The Leica Lens Book" by Brian Bower is also good - it covers the

    latest ASPH lenses. "Lieca Lens Practice" by Dennis Laney is good too

    but a new edition should be released to cover the latest lenses as

    Leica has produced quite a lot of new lenses in recent years. Regards,




    P.S. "Leica M Photography" published by David & charles is also good -

    it has a lot of beautiful photos.

  5. I think I will buy the T3 first and wait for the improved version of

    the Minilux. Leica should really think of an improved version of

    Minilux as this has been in the market for quite some time during

    which enough comments were received for the lst version. Regards,

  6. This is not really a question but something I want to share here.

    I just cover up the "Leice M6" and the "red dot" logos of my chrome M6 with some tape of silver color with matt surface - this is the tape normally used by the air-conditioning engineers. The logos just disappear and the camera doesn't looks odd with the tape on it. I now look more humble carrying these expensive gear without inviting anybody to "steal me!"

  7. Hi everybody,

    Thanks for all the responses to my earlier thread regarding choices amongst Contax T3, Leica Minilux and Konica Hexar. It seems that Leica Minilux have enjoyed the highest appraisal on lens quality, however the shutter problems (requires costly replacement of the shutter after a few years' use) that I learned make me nervous - is it only a very few bad examples or there really a design fault or bad QC with Leica during these few years? Any one heard that a new Minilux is coming up soon? I hope it has a 35 or 50 f2 Summicron lens with improved shutter and memorized user settings - I am prepared to pay a premium for these. Anyway, thank you for all the valuable advices. Best Regards,

  8. I have short-listed 3 P&S cameras to supplement my M6ttl. They are 1.Contax T3, 2.Leica Minilux and 3.Konica Hexar (silver?). I am asking comments from knowledgeable friends here who have at least owned or used 2 of them. What and why is your prefence? I concern most about quality of lens and followed by quietness and ease of use, size is not that a matter to me. Any P&S cameras with lens of better quality than the above 3 can be recommended? Thanks a lot for your advices. Regards
  9. I just came across a M4-2 (s/n 1,51x,xxx - made in Canada), pretty new, not scratchy. The price is, I think, a bit high, about 70% of a new M6 ttl. I don't know how much should be my counter offer. Is this the right price? I just want a second M in addition my M6 ttl 0.85. Please kind enough to advise. Regards!
  10. I at one time do not like the stiff feeling of the 90 APO. But after

    using it for a while, I like it stiff because when I have made a

    focus, the focus will always there even if I am holding the lens

    barrel - if the lens is too loose (like my Nikon 105 F2), I will need

    to focus the subject (even if it is not moving) from time to time.

  11. Alfie,




    Please continue your posts. They are refreshing and I enjoy reading

    them, not necessarily photographic related. Most people here are from

    civilized countries and I failed to understand why some hold double

    standards on freedom - on one hand they fight for their rights whilst

    on other hand they do not allow others' rights of making a post of

    their wish here.

  12. Talking only about B&W prints, why not consider a laser printer -

    it normally has a higher resolution except the print size is quite

    limited, normally A4 size (but this is quite big enough), A3 size is

    too expensive. Seems no one thinks of a laser printer, is it no good

    for printing B&W photos because limitation on use of photo papers?

  13. I have my first roll of C41 film (Kodak 400CN)back just now. I shot at

    ASA 800 and it was processed (1 stop push) by a 1-hour lab and printed

    on colour paper. The result is very....DISAPPOINTING! Very little

    contrast, muddy. Grain is OK. I will try to reprint some photos in

    conventional B&W paper to see if the paper matters and try one more

    roll and get another lab to do the job to see if the lab matters. I

    have tried TMAX 400 and the result was found very satisfactory. Is the

    400CN negative scan well to give a real B&W result in the computer

    monitor and subsequent printouts?

  14. Understand that C41 films can be developed and printed by normal one-hour photo shops. Can you be kind enough to share your experience on using this kind of film - is the print normally not up to the standard of films requiring special B&W developers? Which would you recommend (C41, ASA 400)? I plan to have the films developed and printed by the one-hour photo shop and then check the effect, then have the best shoot be enlarged by a professional lab. later, I think this can save some cost, does it make sense? Thanks for your advice.
  15. I have just bought a M6 TTL, 50m 'cron and a 90mm APO and now want to buy a 35mm 'cron. I was told that optics of the Contax T3 with 35 mm f2.8 Sonar is as good as the 'cron - just one stop slower. How about I buy a T3 so that I have the same quality optics of the 'cron and a second camera to have a difference film to load at the same time with the M6? Is this a good idea? Any opinion is appreciated.
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