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Posts posted by mike_foster

  1. Hi,




    If you use a 4x loupe to judge then there lies your fault. A 4x loupe

    is like making 4x6 prints and comparing those prints!




    I have done extensive testing and the Leica's put both Canon and

    Nikon prime lenses as well as the "pro" zooms to shame. Honest!




    Thank you.

  2. Hi,




    I just got the new 19mm Elmarit-R ROM lens for my R8. I have a question.




    Can someone please describe to me exactly what each of the built in filters does? They are:-




    1) YG - I have no idea what this is for.




    2) Or - Is this for black and white to darken the sky? Or is it a 85A or 81EF or something like that?




    3) KR12 - I think this is a 80B to convert 5500K daylight film to 3200K tungsten light, right?




    Finally, my favorite filter is a warming filter like a 81A or 81B. Is there a way to use one of these with my lens?





  3. John: Thanks for the info. You are spot on with those prices.




    Jay: I agree with you about wanting more depth of field with a wide

    angle lens!




    The reason for my interest in this lens is that I have read in so

    many places that if one wishes to learn what the "famous Leica bokeh"

    is, then just see a shot taken wide open with a 35/2 non-ASPH.




    Since I am after a 35 lens anyway I thought why not try this lens and

    as a bonus, I will get to see the magical bokeh.




    But after studying prices, I might as well get the APSH one! What's

    the deal here? Check out:-








    It is $100 CHEAPER to get the newer ASPH! Weird!




    Does this make ANY sense?




    Thanks y'all!

  4. Hi,




    I need some advice, please, on the 35/2 Summicron-M (non-ASPH).




    I have heard that this lens is the "King of Bokeh". Is this true?




    What is a fair price for a mint example of this lens?




    Where was this lens made? It isn't one of those darn Canadian ones is it? Just kidding .... I love Canadians!





  5. Hi,




    Thanks for all the replies. I tried rating it at 12 ASA and

    processing it in XTOL+4 and same darn contrast.




    I think I will go back to Technidol. Nothing comes close to reducing

    the contrast and with Technidol I can shoot it at 25 ASA too.




    So there!




    Thanks again.

  6. Hi,




    Please help me by answering this simple question in regards to agitation when processing film.




    A person processes two identical rolls of film using identical developers. For the first roll (A) he agitates slightly and every minute. For the second roll (B) he agitates vigoursly and at every 20 seconds. However he reduces the total developing time for (B) so that both the rolls have identical densities.




    When comparing the negatives from A and B he will notice:-




    1) That A has lower contrast than B.




    2) That A has higher contrast than B.




    3) Both A and B are identical in terms of contrast.




    Please pick 1, 2 or 3! Thank you!!!




    In case you are wondering why I am asking this question, the answer is that I am desperately trying to reduce the contrast Kodak Tech Pan. I just love the grain and sharpness of this film. But the contrast is just too much!




    The developer I am using to process this film is Agfa's Rodinal mixed with a solution of water and sodium sulfite. I have tried all sorts of dilutions and 1:200 is the best so far. But still too contrasty...





  7. Hello,




    I would like to know where all the current Leica lenses are manufactured?




    It is my understanding that the Canadian factory is long closed and that apart from the 35-70/4 for the R (which is made in Japan by Kyocera), all the other lenses (both M and R) are now made in Germany.




    Is this true?




    Please let me know.





  8. Thanks to all.




    It is nice to know that an Ilford rep listens to us. Thanks Ilford!




    Yes I agree that both TMZ and Delta 3200 are actually 800 ASA films.

    However they are fine grained and have little latitude wheras HP5 has

    lots of latitude and so I was hoping that it would be as good as

    those two at 800ASA.




    Now about the costs. Sorry I should have made it clear that I bulk

    load my films. So if I get a roll of HP5+ at about $24, I can get 20

    rolls out of that. That works out at just over a buck a roll! Pretty





    Sadly Delta 3200 is not available in bulk and costs about $4-5 a

    roll! And TMZ is available in bulk, but for some very strange reason

    Kodak has priced the bulk roll stupidly! It goes for around $90 per

    roll! So it is cheaper to get 36 exposure rolls!




    Again I appreciate your help but would like more input!




    Which is a good developer for HP5? Which is better at 800ASA HP5 or

    Tri-X? Again I am not after grain, but shadow detail!








    P.S. I wish Delta 3200 was availble in 100 foot rolls!

  9. Hi,




    I am looking for a film in the 800-1200 ASA range for night photography. I am not obsessed with fine grain. What I really want though is something with lots of latitude and low contrast. Sort of like a Tri-X. Something with lots of "shadow detail".




    I am looking at Ilford HP5+ pushed. Will it be better developed in ID11 or Microphen for my purpose? What do you think of this film pushed?




    What else can I try? I don't like the idea of TMax 3200 and Ilford 3200 and pulling them because they are both very expensive (3 times the cost).




    So please advise me!





  10. Hi,




    I have a question about Leica serial numbers. For the lenses are the purely sequential? In other words regardless of the type of lens, if one lens is made after another one even if it is different one, then will it be the next number?




    How can I find out how old a lens is by the serial number? Is there a place on the web?




    Please help!




    Thanks very much.

  11. I have a question please, about the new Fuji Acros. I am very keen to try this new film. But as of now it is STILL not available!




    I read in the May Shutterbug and it says that it has been on sale in Japan for ages.




    So my question is this. Is this "Acros" the same as the Neopan 100 that sold by B&H which is imported by them from Japan?





  12. Bill,




    How do you know I will hate it? For you information I drive a manual

    car not automatic and if I could I would NOT get power steering. I

    would rather feel more of the road. Nor would I get airbags and would

    like a six point seat belt instead....




    For your information, I also shoot large format and surely anything

    compared to that is a piece of cake...





  13. Thanks to all.




    The reason I was interested in the IIIf was because of its size. I

    want a camera to shoot at night with Delta 3200 and a fast lens. I

    figured I could stick a Voigtlander 35/1.7 on it and it would be good

    for candid photography.




    But if the finder is fixed at 50mm then I may still consider it and

    get the 50/1.5 Nokton. But that lens is much bigger.




    So how hard is it to use? I mean the IIIf, that is. Can you change

    the shutter speeds easily? It is easy to load film? Any other

    advantages or disadvantages?




    I will not consider an M6 because it is too big for this purpose and

    the Voigtlander Bessa bodies are the crappiest cameras I have ever

    used and make me sick...




    In fact which camera would suit me best? What about a Leica I or II





    Thanks y'all! G'day!

  14. Hi,




    I am thinking of getting a IIIf and/or a IId. However I have a question. It is my understanding that the viewfinders of these earlier cameras did not have framelines.




    So how does one use them with different lenses? I don't like external viewfinders.




    Which focal length would match these viewfinders?




    Thanks in advance for your help.

  15. Howdy,




    I keep hearing the word "CLA" when people talk about Leica's. What exactly is a "CLA"?




    I hear it like "How much does a CLA cost?", "Do I really need a CLA?"




    Please enlighten me!




    See ya!

  16. Paul,




    Since you are in Switzerland (I presume) the Sinar backs must have

    been cheap for you. How much are they over there? It is the "Zoom 2"

    you have? That seems like the untilmate back but its like $3000 over





    Which films do you use? I am curious, which is the low constrast and

    the high contrast???





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