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Posts posted by luther_berry

  1. Frank,




    Have you considered calibrating your film speed rating per John

    Shaw's approach in his Nature Photography books, using your most

    often used speeds? This might help some. But if one or more of your

    speeds are "off" in the wrong direction and do not fit the

    calibration of the other speeds, you might just have to remember to

    adjust that speed by 1/2 step more or less as needed.

    Good luck. LB

  2. Doron,




    Please personally handle both an M6 and an R8 before making up

    your mind. Do NOT take someone else's opinion for what YOU would

    prefer. As the previous posts have indicated, there are substantial

    differences in handling and uses of the cameras. Only you can decide

    which camera style you prefer.

    I happen to be like Andrew's friend. I love the size and handling

    of the M camera but simply cannot adjust to using the rangefinder for

    focusing. (Have used SLR's for 30 plus years.) I own an R8 and love

    it but many others prefer the M cameras. If you like the M camera,

    you may be limited in close-up photography due to lack of equipment

    available, parallax errors, and exposure compensation. R cameras are

    better suited for close-up shots. M cameras are better for small

    size and quick handling. Both cameras are great but they have

    different "personalities". Since it's your money, pick the one you

    like most. Happy shooting with your choice. LB

  3. Ray,




    I think we all share your pain and frustration. None of us likes

    to see a fellow Leicaphile unable to use his/her camera due to

    mechanical malfunction. Couple of questions:

    - Do you know anything about the qualifications of local person

    attempting to repair the R8?

    - Have you considered sending one or two of your lenses along with

    the body for testing the repair/adjustment?

    - Would it be safer to send the camera all the way back to Solms

    for repair?




    Best wishes for a speedy and satisfactory repair/adjustment.





  4. Well, I definitely am not rich and probably am not highly talented

    as a photographer. But I do appreciate fine quality photographic

    equipment and enjoy using it to take pictures for my own pleasure. I

    also continually strive to improve my photographic skills.

    Am glad I don't have to qualify as a "talented pro" or have someone

    else's approval in order to spend my hard earned money for Leica

    gear. I'm happy with my choice and that is what matters to me.

  5. Peter,

    I also habitually adjust the ASA rating or exposure override on my

    cameras to fine tune the exposures. For years I rated K'Chrome 64 at

    80-100 in N cameras. Am now experimenting with new Leica R to

    determine what ASA setting I prefer with this camera (and projector).

    My preference for usage is to set a consistent ASA rating for the

    film and reserve exposure override changes for adjustments to

    specific, individual shots. Good shooting. LB

  6. BTW, it isn't just the M camera users who have a closet full of

    skeletons (excuse me, camera bags). As a previous Nikon user and

    current Leica R user, I tried various brand X and Nikon bags. I even

    confess to having used a Halliburton hard case. Now use a Lowepro

    MiniTrekker and some LowePro Street/Field System units. Good

    shooting! LB

  7. Friends,

    Thanks to all who responded in such depth. Your helpful postings

    have given me much to think about. It is clear that I underestimated

    the learning curve, complexity, and difficulties in scanning/printing

    K'chrome slides. (And I am addicted to K'chrome!)

    Your responses also enabled me to see this before spending

    considerable time and money. My photographic interest is definitely

    still with film images. Does this make me a dinosaur or an old

    codger resistant to change? Hope not but I really do enjoy using my

    Leica R8 and lenses to create (hopefully) beautiful images. For now,

    I will concentrate on taking more K'chrome slides. My lesser

    interest in digital scanning/printing can wait until another time

    when technology changes may simplify the process and improve the

    tools even more. Will save this valuable information for reference

    when I again consider entering the digital image world.

    Thanks again. LB

  8. (Sorry, hit wrong key and sent message prematurely.)




    Primary photography related books (as opposed to painting, drawing,

    etc.) consist of Time-Life books (25 in collection) from the 80's:

    - Photographing Nature

    - The Studio

    - The American Wilderness series

    - World's Wildplaces series

    Would that my results were as good. LB

  9. Robin,

    I haven't set a fixed price limit but am interested in a quality

    consistent with my photo gear (Leica R8 with 50/1.4, 90/2.0, 180/2.8

    APO, 280/4.0 APO and APO extenders). Then will decide if I am

    willing to pay the price required. As a general guideline, might be

    willing to pay about the price of R8 body for scanner and printer.

    Will that get me a quality setup or will the price be higher?





    One of my interests involves "doing it myself" so I have not

    considered having the slides scanned by a lab. If it were possible

    with K'chrome, I would also develop the slide film myself. (Did some

    B/W lab work years ago.)




    My initial search efforts discovered the Nikon 4000 film scanner

    and H-P PhotoSmart 1218 (is this a scanner or a printer?). Have had

    good experiences with H-P printers. How are their photo printers?

    Thanks again for your interest and suggestions. LB

  10. I would like to scan my K'chrome 64 slides of scenics and animals, possibly do some "minor" manipulations to improve the images and send them to friends on the internet or print for framing and displaying in my study or office.

    Any suggestions for a) scanner brand or specs required, b) PC software, c) printer/paper brand or specs? Sorry to include so much in this question, but I want to make sure all equipment is compatible and not run into a dead end. Am also planning to replace my PC.

    Thanks for your advice. LB

  11. For those with more Leica knowledge, why are the Leica R lenses generally larger and heavier than the equivalent M lenses since they both have to cover the same image size? Is it because the R lens must sit farther from the film plane due to mirror clearance?

    This is not a criticism of the R system but just curiosity. I very much like my Leica R8 and lenses. The fine precision, silky smooth movements, and fantastic images make the equipment a joy to use. Thanks for your input. LB

  12. "Similitudes" is indeed an English word. Have misplaced my Spanish

    dictionary and do not know if it is also a Spanish word. In English,

    it means "image, likeness, counterpart, etc.". It is an appropriate

    word for a Leica photographer to use. I think we, as photographers,

    share many common similitudes, no matter that we may live in

    different parts of the world. LB

  13. My first "real" camera was a Kodak rangefinder (Colt?) with fixed

    lens (1 yr). Then came a Minolta SR7 (3 yrs) which was replaced by a

    Nikon F2 Photomic (5 yrs). Added a pair of Nikon F3HP's (20 yrs).

    Just this year replaced most of the Nikon stuff with a Leica R8 and

    the following Leica R primes: 50/1.4, 90/2.0, 180/2.8 APO, and

    280/4.0 APO with 1.4X APO and 2X APO extenders.

    As you can see, I like SLR's and long lenses. Except for prints of

    my family, I shoot only Kodachrome 64 slides of wildlife and scenics.

    Project the slides onto a 72" screen with Leica projector. WOW!! LB

  14. Dan,

    Be careful to protect the body opening from blowing sand when

    changing lenses, especially at the beach. May be an obvious

    precaution to you but it wasn't to me! I once had a brand new Nikon

    SLR film advance lock up solid shortly after a trip to the beach.

    Service shop called me just an hour after I dropped the camera off

    for repair and asked me if I had recently been to the beach. They

    blew a single grain of sand out of my new camera and it worked

    perfectly again. Lesson learned! LB

  15. My thanks to all of the posters on this forum! I never met any of

    you personally and yet I have felt a closeness to you this week.

    Sharing our grief, anger, frustration, disbelief, and hope has helped

    me try to deal with this unbelievable act of terrorism. I keep

    waiting to hear some newsperson say "And this concludes Orson

    Welles's latest thriller from Hollywood". But this is REAL, although

    I still have difficulty grasping the truth of that.

    Thanks again to all. I look forward to sharing better times and

    happier thoughts with you. LB

  16. I have also noted the M bias on this site and am a little surprised.

    If you like the Leica M or Nikon or Canon, etc. that is great. Is

    your camera/car/house better/bigger/more expensive than mine? Who

    cares? I hope everyone can buy and use the camera system they prefer.




    I recently left the N system after 30 years and joined the Leica R

    family. I thoroughly enjoy the manual focus, slick precision build

    quality, superb lenses, and intuitive, easy-to-use controls which let

    me exercise my creativity in taking pictures. I don't care for

    autofocus or motors/winders. I like manual focus/manual advance

    cameras and manual shift sport sedans. The Leica R system is a joy to

    use and (when I do my part well) provides great images/slides.




    Having said all this, I do enjoy reading opinions, experiences, and

    suggestions from others on this forum. The exchange of ideas and

    knowledge can be very interesting and frequently helpful. LB

  17. Fabio,

    I believe the SCA351 uses an analog signal while the SCA3501/3502

    use digital signals. The M6 and R8 both use digital signals,

    therefore you MUST use the SCA3501 or 3502. But since the Metz45 CL4

    uses analog signals, you must also use the SC3000 converter between

    the SCA3501/3502 and your Metz flash. I use this combination on my

    R8 and Metz 45 CL4. It works great, just as Metz says on their

    internet site. Good Luck, LB

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