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Posts posted by gogu

  1. <p>Gene,<br>

    there is nothing wrong with your pictures!<br>

    In the pictures of flowers they are sharp where the camera has focused but because of the focal length of your lens and the close shooting distance they have a shallow depth of field thus anything else is out of focus; I'd say everything is normal with this kind of photography!</p>


  2. <p>Hi!<br />Why don't you post here one of the pictures you consider "unacceptable" so people can judge?<br>

    Also check the camera settings and if in doubt set the camera to default settings (press simultaneously the two buttons with the green dot). Most of the times it's user's error but it's not impossible you have in your hands one of the few faulty samples.</p>


  3. <p>Well, I just found something about them...disappointing!</p>

    <p>" <a href="http://www.redelijkheid.com/2009/01/21/scammers-going-pro/">http://www.redelijkheid.com/2009/01/21/scammers-going-pro/</a></p>


    <h3>Active Scammer Websites</h3>


    <p>URL: <a title="Scammers website" href="http://justcam4you.com/" target="_blank">http://justcam4you.com</a> [<a title="JustCam4You webshop" rel="lightbox" href="http://www.redelijkheid.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/JustCam4You_frontpage.png" target="_blank">mirror</a>] / <a title="Scammers website" href="http://www.justcam4you.co.uk/" target="_blank">http://www.justcam4you.co.uk</a> / <a title="Scammers website" href="http://www.justcam4you.net/" target="_blank">http://www.justcam4you.net</a><br>

    Some of the old guys are back. Probably the same guys who were behind the Anepax and Wootechworld webshops (check the inactive scams below for details on those). This webshop (the .com version) was ‘founded’ at the beginning of September 2009 (<a title="JustCam4You Whois Information" rel="lightbox" href="http://www.redelijkheid.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/JustCam4You_whois1.png">whois info</a> [<a title="JustCam4You Whois Information - part deux" rel="lightbox" href="http://www.redelijkheid.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/JustCam4You_whois2.png">2</a>]). Several buttons/images should give you some confidence especially the <a title="Starfield Turbo SSL Certificate" rel="lightbox" href="http://www.redelijkheid.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/JustCam4You_SSL.png">ultracheap SSL certificate</a> they use (no GoDaddy this time, but <a title="Starfield Technologies SSL Certificates" href="https://starfieldtech.com/" target="_blank">Starfield</a> which <a title="Starfield website not fully functioning, just like their validation." rel="lightbox" href="http://www.redelijkheid.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/Starfield_ValidationFAQ.png">has problems</a> of its own :-) ). As usual the biggest scam giveaway is the <a title="JustCam4You Payment info" rel="lightbox" href="http://www.redelijkheid.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/JustCam4You_PaymentInfo.png">payment options</a>. UK and US citizens can use credit card, but the rest of the world is left with a bank transfer.<br>


    Stay away from this webshop if you want to keep your money. <em>Just<strong>Scams</strong>4You</em> should be a better name….<br>




  4. <p>Hi Peter!<br>

    I don't get such a message but I am skeptical about the difference of price: the 70-300 VR goes in the UK for around 430 pounds (=490 euros). The store I am "investigating" lists it for 337 euros and...free shipping anywhere in the world! The difference is quite big and that's why I am a little nervous...</p>


  5. <p >Good day everybody!</p>

    <p >I’m not sure if it’s OK to ask such questions here but I’d like to know if anyone ever had to do with the Digital Camera Store “justcam4you”?</p>

    <p >I’ve noticed that their prices are well below the competition and I’m wondering if there is something fishy with them. Looks too good to be true...</p>

    <p >The link to their store is: <a href="https://www.justcam4you.com/index.php">https://www.justcam4you.com/index.php</a></p>

    <p >Any input would be greatly appreciated.</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Thanks!</p>

  6. <p>The 18-105mm is a good lens for the money but I don't like the plastic mount.<br>

    So when I bought my D90 I opted for the 16-85mm and since I wanted the extra mm in the wide end, I have to say I am quite impressed! I never thought that 2 extra mm would make such a difference on DX!<br>

    The lens is optically excellent, the VR is very helpful and works fine.<br>

    Of course I'd prefer a 16-105mm but...;-)<br>



  7. <p>About a year ago I bought the new Renault Laguna 2.0.<br>

    The central unit failed after just...800 m from the seller's shop!<br>

    I had to wait about a month for a new unit to come from France.<br>

    I never regretted the fact that I haven't returned the car after this bad, first experience!<br>

    Moral: even the better brands (of cameras, cars, cosmetics, food, etc) have a small percentage of fails but this is just a small ... percentage! You simply had some bad luck, good news is that KEH accepted the return!!<br>

    I'd say go for another D90 if that was your first choice (I suppose you chose the camera because it was sutisfying your needs, right?) and save your dollar for something else.<br>

    I have the same camera for a few months and I am totally happy with it!</p>


  8. <blockquote>

    <p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=39504">Kent Staubus</a> wrote:<br />I asked how much it would cost to do a simple front element replacement on Nikon lenses17-55mm f2.8, 70-200mm f2.8 VR, 80-400mm VR. It was running about $325 for each. Next, I looked up the cost of a B+W UV MRC 77mm filter (could not find listing for L37c.) B&H lists them for $112 plus shipping. SO, if I were to place a quality multicoated UV filter on each of my four most used lenses, it would cost me about $430. That's quite a bit more than the price of a repair.</p>


    <p>Excuse me Kent but as an engineer your calculation seems wrong to me!<br />You are comparing the cost of <strong><em>*all four*</em></strong> filters against the repair cost of <strong><em>*one*</em></strong> lens!<br />To my book it's like that: one filter to protect one lens costs ~$112.00, the repair of the front element of one lens costs ~$325.<br />I think that from an economical POV it's more than worth to use filters than paying to repair your lens' front element.</p>


  9. <p>SD,<br>

    for me one is the best "Portraiture and Street" lens, the Nikon 16-85mm but it's almost double of your budget... I own this lens and although a bit slow, i find it perfect for portraits and as a walk around lens; while in holidays in Europe I have no problem to shoot in the narrow european streets at 16mm or to include the entire Plaza Mayor in Madrid or the San Marco square in Venice!<br>

    If you can find the money and buy it you'll never regret it!</p>


  10. <p>Yes Pete, the boats were in the middle of the lake and I was at the shore, couldn't get closer than that;-)<br>

    And you are right of course, atmospheric haze is indeed a problem when shooting such events from so far away...</p>


  11. <p>Thanks Eric, of course it's user error;-)<br>

    I know that I should stop down the lens to at least 8 but I was so excited I forgot it!<br>

    As for the polarizer, I simply didn't have it with me:-(<br>

    And yes, it's 1/2000s, I just mistyped.<br>

    Thanks again for the input!</p>

  12. <p>Hi all!<br>

    Last days it was the Romanian Grand Prix and it happened to be there so I grabbed the opportunity to make a "few" pictures with my new D90. Unfortunately my only long lens was the older ED type 70-300mm Nikon but I said, what the heck better mediocre pictures than no pictures at all;-)<br>

    So I went having in mind to shoot about 200-300 pictures and I came back with...840 pictures on my SD card!<br>

    Most of them shot at 300mm which is the worst focal length of this lens...<br>

    Could you please judge the IQ at this focal length for this specific lens?<br>

    All that grain I see is it because of the lens quality or I did something wrong with the exposure?<br>

    Shot at P, 200 ASA, Vivid, shutter speed was most between 1/1000s and 1/2000s and 5.6 to 6.3 aperture.<br>

    Any opinion greatly appreciated!</p>


  13. <p>Thank you all and especially Joe A, Nina Myers and Alvin Yap!<br>

    I turned the AF off, half-pressed the shutter release and I indeed heard that click from the VR!<br>

    All that time I have heared it but I thought it was the AF starting working!<br>

    Thanks again guys! (and girls;-)).</p>

  14. <p >Hi all!</p>

    <p >I’d like to ask your opinion about the VR system on the 16-85 lens.</p>

    <p >I read in various threads that you can hear the VR when it’s in action.</p>

    <p >My problem is that I can’t hear any other noise than the AF noise on my lens!</p>

    <p >I’ve shot some shots handheld at low speeds like 1/15, 1/8 at 85mm and they came out quite sharp but I am not sure if it’s me having a sturdy “hand” or the VR, because I haven’t hear it working!</p>

    <p >My question is, how can I check if the VR on my lens is working properly?</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Thanks.</p>

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