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Posts posted by danny_liao

  1. It's sad to hear that they were considered the "BEST." The most recent issue of PDN

    had a similar spread but it was called "PDN's 30." I recently left art school, Art Center,

    because those were the type of images my fellow classmates were creating. It was

    boring, lame, and just simply awful. The images they created, similar to PDN's 30,

    seemed to have no meaning...no passion...no heart. But that style seems to be the

    trend all the young photographers are going after. I think what the problem is that

    these days young photographers stopped trying to be original/creative. All they do

    now is imitate. I think that's why the images are boring to me, they all look the

    same...with a few exceptions. I swear you could put 10 different sets of photos by

    different photographers together and they would look like they were all shot by one

    photographer. Nothing original.

  2. I've posted the same question about 3 weeks ago. I tried the Krylon and it did a

    horrible job. I contacted Krylon and they stated that they had a batch of bad finishing

    sprays. It made my prints look like it had a layer of white frost. I would wait awhile

    before buying Krylon again. Anyway, someone on my post recommended Prismacolor

    Final Fixative. It worked great and it was about 7 bucks a can. And I sprayed about

    70 8x10 prints before the can died.

  3. I'm trying to put together a "digital" package and I'm looking for opinions. I'm

    considering purchasing a D1x along with the 28-70 AFS lens. I had this lens way

    back with my F100, and I loved it. But now moving to digital, I was wondering if it is

    wide enough of a lens for high quality for full body environmental/editorial type

    portrait shots? And is it long enough to go close up head and shoulder shots? I'm

    quite new to DSLR, so any help or suggestions would be greatly aprreciated.

  4. steve,


    i understand everyone wants the "best" all the time. but what if you don't need the

    best? what if all you need is 5 megapixels? why pay more for extra pixels when you

    don't need it? also, new cameras are suppose to be better, right? but after reading

    reviews after reviews, new DSLR doesn't seem to be making that big of a

    improvement. so why pay more for a "newer version" camera when the improvements

    aren't there yet? am i missing something?

  5. I'm some what new too digital. So I appologize if it sounds stupid...what's the deal

    with the counter? I understand that it keeps track of usage but does that mean the

    camera is not good after a certain amount? Is it going to produce less than

    satisfactory results after the maxium # of shots have been reached?

  6. Yo Marc,


    Here it is...set your shutter speed closest to your film speed and set your aperture to

    f16. For example, if you have ASA100 than set you shutter to 1/125. If you are

    using ASA400 than set your shutter to 1/400 or 1/500 (for Hassy). No matter what

    speed you set your shutter to, the aperture always remains at f16. That's a good

    starting point. Shadow areas usually need about 1-2 stops more light so open it up

    to about f11 or f8 or open accordingly. If ever in doubt, always open up (overexpose)

    than stop it down (underexpose).


    Also try shooting with a 65, you'll love it.



  7. 2 stop is not bad. Still within tolerance. When you get it processed, just request it

    be pushed 2 stops. You will still get useable results. Pushing film will usually result

    in high contrast and lack of shadow detail. But other than that, it is still workable.

  8. Hey Liz,


    First of all, what are you shooting? Are you shooting people? If you are, than learn

    how to use fill flash. If not and you are shooting landscape, than you are metering

    wrong. The problem with shooting during mid day is because it's way too

    contrasty...very bright highlights and very dark shadows. So if you try to expose for

    the highlights, you're going to lose shadow detail...making your shadow areas go

    black. If you expose for the shadows, than you're going to blow out or wash out the

    highlights...which is what I think you are doing. Other than that, you might have set

    your camera on + exposure. Double check your camera setting to see if it's set on +



    Regarding printing. The problem with washed-out highlights is that you can't really

    print and expect detail in them. No matter if you play with contrast. If it's not on

    film, than is not going to be on print.


    Regarding polarizers. They won't help your washed-out problem.


    Regarding underexpose. Depends on what you want to achieve. Next time you

    shoot, think about what you want first. If you want nice highlights, than go ahead

    and underexpose it by 1/2 to 2 stops or even more. But remember, you'll lose

    shadow detail if you do this. If you want shadow, than expose for the shadows and

    DON'T underexpose. Again, by exposing for shadows you'll lose highlight detail.


    Anyway, as a rule of thumb, it's better to have slight over exposure than under.


    To others,


    Mid day is actually one of the best time to shoot if you know how to work with lights.

    Look at Dan Winters. He does it all the time.

  9. I just got this email from Krylon. Which sounds better than what the rep told me over

    the phone.




    "Due to new spray paint industry regulations, Krylon was forced to change the 1311

    Matte Finish formulation. Since the change, we have found that some cans were

    leaving a white film on the project sprayed.  This problem has been corrected, and

    product performance is the quality you expect from Krylon.  


    Although the white film does not occur with every can, Krylon will be happy to replace

    any cans of Matte Finish that were produced during the formulation change. Or, if you

    would like, we will issue a refund for the Matte Finish with proof of purchase.  We

    sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you, and hope that

    you will continue to use Krylon branded products in the future."


    Thank you,




    So avoid Krylon for now.

  10. Hi Connie,


    Yes, my test prints were completely dry. I actually printed them a month ago. I just

    got off the phone with Krylon and they told me it's due to moisture or humidity in the

    air or low temperture. Which I don't understand because, 1) the prints were dry.

    Been sitting around for a month. And 2) I live in CA where humidity is not a problem

    or was the wether below 70 degrees or above 80. Anyhow, I'm going to return these

    and try other ones. Thanks for all your help.

  11. Last night I tried examining the ground glass and fresnel lens more closely and I

    noticed that it's extremely grainy and dark. Funny I didn't noticed this earlier. The

    ground glass is made by Beattie, I know they make after market ground glasses but

    do they come standard with the Horseman? Are there any other ground glasses that

    are brighter and not as grainy that I could use?

  12. Hi Michael,


    You're right. F8 will not be tack sharp. But what I'm trying to say is that it should be

    sharper than what I'm getting. Anyway, besides it being two different cameras, I'm

    not doing anything different compare to the Sinar.


    I did purchase the Horseman used. But it was like brand new. And it did come with a

    fresnel lens that I still use. Do you really think that's the problem, the fresnel lens?

    I'll try doing some shots without it.


    Regarding the rear standard. You could extend out about another inch on the rear

    standard on the 45FA. Once extended, you could shoot with it normal, with it tilt, or

    with it swing/swung.


    Thanks for your help.



  13. Nghi,


    I don't mean to sound rude but how do you manage to shoot half a roll of film with

    the darkslide inserted when you can't even trigger the shutter if the slide is inserted?


    Regarding multiple exposure. You could feel the difference with the lever when you

    are advancing film or not. It's tighter. Hopefully, you'll get the feel and notice it.

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