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Posts posted by dennis_couvillion

  1. <p>Richard Sperry: <em>You should have no expectation of civility or social courtesy in return from others when you violate them yourself, regardless of what your so-called rights may be.</em><br>

    Mr. Sperry, courtesy is a two-way street. I am polite to people on the street. You don't lnow me and would have no idea how I interact with people. This particular guy was a complete jerk. While some particular circumstances may dictate asking a subject for permission to photograph him, I have never heard of a street photographer whose practice is to always seek prior approval from his subjects. Infact, doesn't that defeat the purpose of candid photography?<br>

    <em> </em><br>

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  2. <p>A guy once told me I had no right to HIS picture. I told him it was MY picture. It was on my negative inside my camera. I took the picture on a public sidewalk. The fact that it was his image on my negative was incidental. Granted, I might be limited in what I could do with the image, but it was mine, not his...</p>
  3. Bill Mitchell:


    I recently changed the covering on my M6 from the original(which I also founs a little slippery) to the aki-asahi #4008 covering. It feels pretty good but I haven't used it enough yet to determine if it gets slippery too. It looks a lot like the grain of Vulcanite.

  4. Allan:


    I think I read somehwere that Leica is about to introduce a digital M... I think it's going to be called the M8. May just be a rumor, though... ;>)


    Seriously, there are several Leica M bodies that would fit your needs. The above advice has been good. Once you settle on a few possible alternatives focus on condition and price. As much as I like the feel and smoothness of operation of the older Leica M bodies if you could find a user M6 at the right price you would not go wrong. Also factor in a "cleaning, lubrication and adjustment" (CLA) from a good Leica repair person. Unless the camera has recently had a CLA it's always a good idea to have this done when buying a used Leica. Then shoot a lot of film and have fun. Welcome to the "Buggy Whip Club".



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