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Posts posted by andre_noble3

  1. It's time for that dreaded, unsexy purchase: A professional matt cutter, so I can do something with this stuff I am baking under my enlarger. I need help on selecting a matt cutter brand since I don't know anything about what's being used. Since it's the only one listed in B&H, I assume it's Logan Graphics, but which model? (I do fortunately know HOW to use one from school).




    Also, please steer me in the right direction of place for good price (new) on said matt cutters and also Rotatrim paper trimmers if you might. Thanks. Andre

  2. I am using the 72XL and 90/f8 wide angle lenses each with the Toyo 12.5mm recessed 110mm square boards and also a 210/5.6 on the flat 110mm square lens board on my Toyo 45AII field camera.




    I would like to use these lenses interchangeably on my 45C without the hassle of removing them from the lens boards listed just to mount them on the 158mm squarelens board my Toyo 45C uses.




    Therefore I would like to get just one of the two types of adapter lens board Toyo makes for this purpose. I wish this choice to work with all three lenses as mounted above witout restriction, if possible. The two types of converter boards I am refering to are the recessed or flat converter type.




    My first guess is that the recessed type converter (ie, the 158mm board that is fully recessed and couples with one of the smaller 110mm board)is more versatile, but I wonder if the 12.5mm recess from the 110mm square lens boards I am already using with the 45AII, added to the 38mm? or so recess of the 158mm converter board is somehow going to then recess the wide angle lenses so much to either cause vignetting with the front standards of the 45C or possibly to put the rear element of the wide angle lenses too close to the ground glass? (Not having any experience of using a wide angle with bag bellows on a momorail, the latter may be a universal concern - I don't know.




    So my question is: With these considerations, which 110mm to 158mm Toyo converter lens board do you recommend, either the flat one or recessed one? Thanks very much for your help. Andre

  3. My negatives looked like S--- until I switched to distilled water.

    The water here where I live in Southern California is so hard, I

    consider it to be contaminated as far a mixing photochemicals in it

    is concerned, to do otherwise results in negatives that are ruined.


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