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Image Comments posted by angelo_gordini

  1. Nice photo, but there's too blurring, especially around the mouse: I don't know if it's because of 1.flare 2.lack of DOF 3.fast mouse movement. Could be a great photo, exposure and composition were right, pay attention to 1.2.3. next time. A little more detail in the darker areas won't hurt too.

    Midsummer night

    Very good, but I agree: needs some centre of attention. Maybe you could search an horizontal simmetry, beside the vertical one due to the water reflexion, but yes, looks like a painting.
  2. A good nightshot. I'd prefer it without the red filter, and without the tree silhouettes...a longer exposure (eg.1 min) would have brought more particulars in the shadows, but it's just an impression due to the small size of the uploaded photo...good job anyway!
  3. Nice shot, but the film seems to be burned out in the bottom left corner (or is a matter of scanning?), and there's something wrong with the perspective: the camera should have been turned a few degrees clockwise, the extreme right wall must be inclinated, not the one behind the little girl. It should be lowered too, in my opinion, about a feet to reach about her height; now it looks (just a bit) like an adult looking at her from above and this is not right to me.
  4. Mr. Adams would be pride of you, really a good job! Ade is so expressive and you have taken a great photo of him. Someone sitting beside him would have completed the photo and making it almost perfect (the empty seat is a bit distracting). I rarely use B&W but this is an exemplar way to use it, the subject seems really to "come out of the paper".



    Nice idea, and original, but it's too much out of focus...it needed just one stop down to get more DOF and make the cat look more like a silhouette.

    With a bit of flash light coming from the left it would have been (almost) perfect.

  5. Ok for the subject but I think there's too much light (I think the man should have been darker and the wall not so white, readability in his clothes was not so important in my opinion), and too much bench...or at least they're not in the right compositive relation.

    Kona Hawaii

    Ok for the perspective and the palm tree but the sky is not so interesting and there's too much "frame" around it and there's too much shadow, I think because the sun was too high.


    (ok, she looks pretty but) well, doesn't look so "professional": right hand moves too fast for the shutter speed you used, and you should have used fill-in flash to fill-in shadows. I'd prefer taking this foto from below, but the real problem is she's looking down: eyes are very important in glam photo, remember!


    well, it's a bit a mess...I suggest you to get it there again and capture more interesting reflections. The red lines would have looked better if they were parallel to the frame borders, and in general it's not clear why did you get the photo, what did you want to show except a reflection phenomena.
  6. Sorry for you portfolio (and thanks for the rating!). Is it a matter of compression/resolution or there is a (very little indeed) lack of DOF?

    You should do some masking to increase details both in the darker and in the lighter areas. Aestethically not so exciting, but nice (and clean!) ps: maybe need a slight rotation clockwise, look the walls...but I'm not sure.

  7. Yes, dynamic and (quite) lively, but there's too much flare in my opinion, and the distracting light brown thing in the bottom left corner should have cut off, e.g. moving a step or two towards right, don't you think?



    Yes, it was really too dark (underexposed??)

    I'd rather have the horizon line less inclined, e.g. crossing the frame. Light was interesting, but you could make better with it...

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