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Posts posted by sanjay_chaudary

  1. <p>Hi, I just recently bought a Pentax67ii body. I am not sure if it has a film spool as I am in a different country at the moment and it was sent to my aunt's place in US.<br>

    I noticed wooden, metal and plastic spools for 120mm film online. I believe that 120mm plastic spool would be the right takeup spool for the Pentax 67ii. Could you please confirm ?<br>

    <br />Are there different varieties as I have seen ones with cross notch at ends and slot notch at ends?<br>

    Will either of them work or do I need to specifically buy one of them?<br>

    <br />thanks in advance.</p>


  2. <p>Hi, I am thinking of buying B+W brand uv filter and maybe circular polariser for the Canon 17mm - 40mm ef usm lens.<br>

    Would the regular version of filter be fine or should I buy the thin(slim) wide version of filter ? I am concerned about vignetting. Please note that I use a film slr and not a digital body, or in other words a full frame body.</p>

    <p>Thanks in advance</p>

  3. <p>Hi, I have a question on b+w uv multi-coated filters. <br />I seem to end up scratching some of them recently. I thought they were scratch-proof. <br /><br />I also seem to be leaving little lint behind. I have tried micro-dear micro fiber cloth too.<br />There are sometimes a few silver spots on the filter. I normally put a few drops of filtered drinking water on filter and clean with fiber cloth. I blow dust off with blower before starting. <br /><br />Any suggestions or glimpses into your experience would be appreciated.<br /><br />thanks and have a nice one.</p>
  4. <p>Hi, I am looking at the 45mm f/4 and 75mm shift lens for landscape and architecture for pentax 67ii body.<br />I took a 35mm camera with 17-40 lens into the city to look at buildings.<br /><br />At 20mm ( 35mm equivalent of 6x7 45mm), building looked fine in landscape format, but little constrained in vertical format. At 35mm (35mm equivalent of 6x7 75mm) I did not seem to cover much of the building in vertical shot.<br /><br /> I know that for Pentax 67, there is only the 75mm shift (there may be another - not sure). I would appreciate any feedback on these two lens being used for architecture. I have not shot much of architecture.<br /> Can the 75mm shift lens be used for landscapes and general photography?<br /><br /> I am also looking at cable release for Pentax 67ii and believe that it's useful when shooting with tripod.<br /> <br /> I believe that there is a cable release 30 and 50. There was a post on photo.net about cable release failing with Pentax 67ii and there being some design issue. ( http://www.photo.net/medium-format-photography-forum/00GD9Z ).<br /><br />" The traveling distance form attachement of cabel until it fires the shutter, in Pentax 67 II, are very short. Longer distance in the old 6x7. The cabel release's inner cable are made of a coiled spring to make it smooth. If you press that spring to the bottom on a 67II, it will sooner or later be compressed."<br /><br /> I would appreciate your feedback on this and also whether it's ok to go with either of the releases - are they both suited for Pentax67ii.<br>

    Thanks in advance and have a nice one</p>

  5. <p>Hi, I am looking at Pentax 67ii over Pentax 67 because of additional features.<br>

    <br />How is this camera? I also notice that there are very few copies of Pentax 67ii for sale when compared to Pentax 67 online.<br>

    <br />I would appreciate your comments on this. I am wondering if there is any thing wrong with version ii or if owners like it too much to sell it.</p>

    <p>thanks in advance</p>

  6. <p>Thanks Cory. I have been a customer of Adorama and BH for more than 10 yrs. I have bought mostly new stuff from them. I picked up EOS 3 from Keh . I am not too comfortable with ebay. However pentax 67ii is generally not there on KEH. Its rare on Adorama , BH too. any suggestions?</p>
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