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Posts posted by hugh_hill

  1. <p>Tom,</p>

    <p>Thank you for very much for your time & patience I appreciate both and will try the firmware recommendation you suggested to be honest I had not thought of that.</p>

    <p>Lad, <br>

    Again I am extremely grateful for your time and wise counsel, being that the camera is now coming up for 7 years old and although well looked after age is no friend of man nor machine. I am taking that you when you mention replacement battery you mean the 'NP-E3's' as I have got 3 or 4 batteries of these and tried changing them (swapping) around but nothing? Is there another internal battery that I am missing that may need replacing I doubt it but one never knows.<br>

    I will also look into the cleaning.</p>



  2. <p>

    <p>Hi folks,</p>

    <p>I have noticed lately that my much loved Canon 1Ds has started to give me the wrong light readings as when composing then taking the shots the images are over two stops out. (Btw this is in manual in manual although it misreads in other settings too!) When I compose my image I do check all the variables - ISO has been set, aperture has been set, speed, yet still thelight reading is way out even though the needle is smack bang centre telling me ideal settings still my images have been coming out blown out (far too bright) it does not happen all the time normally after an hour of having it switched on although it's been getting worse which means I am using the 5DmkII more and anyone who has shot both will agree that the 1Ds has it's own unique flavour and which ids why I favour it for particular work,<br>

    I know that a few of you are going to say 'hey the things past its sell by date use the new model and be happy with it!' But I can't, to me my cameras have different personalities my DCS-520, the 1DMkII & 1Ds, don't get me wrong the 5DmkII is a great camera and I am still getting use to it and I love the weight factor this really works for me and with two in my pack it's still light and not like carrying an pair of anvils (you know what I'm talking about!)<br>

    Hope one of you guy's can work out this conundrum.</p>


    <p>Thanks </p>


  3. <p>

    <p>I have used so many lenses and have quite a few that I call my pets one of them is the Sigma 15-30, I like it so much that I bought another just in case! Sure if you do not understand the lens or how to use it you can get flare or some softening/distortion at the edges, but do not underestimate this lenses awesome ability to capture mood, I have loaned my lens to two friends both of which now have their own.<br>

    So don't knock it until that is you have tried it and when I say try it I also mean taking the time to read up about how to avoid things like flare or distortion unless of course you want to include this to communicate to your audience.</p>


  4. <p>It depends mostly on what I hope to be shooting, say if I was going to shoot wildlife then of course I would bring my canon 70-200 2.8 with a X 2 extender (canon Mk II) to supplement my 1Ds<br>

    Or if I was going to be shooting reportage (Street) I would use my trusty 15-30 Sigma, my canon 50mm mk1 and maybe the 100mm f2.8 macro again with my 1Ds<br>

    I almost never use my 24-105 L in IMHO it has been hyped out of proportion and there is little difference between that & the 28-135mm F/35-5.6 IS usm except the former is more than three times more expensive! I much prefer using the Sigma 17-70mm f2.8-4.5 DC Macro but here I would use it on the 40D it is a really good lens and a great walk about if I could use it on my 1Ds without the vignette I'd be really happy still it makes for surreal portraits on a full frame (give it a try.)<br>

    I have Canon 1DMk II and to be honest do not need the speed its wasted what is important is glass if you have the money and like quality go for the 5D MkII for lenses go for Canon f2.8 24-70 L & the f2.8 70-200 L I am sure that these two with the 5D MkII will sort you out.<div>00Tiog-146689684.jpg.d40430328de6fd41c571831ca284a693.jpg</div>

  5. <p>Dana, it might help to know how many shots you are firing at what frequency (I am taking it that you are shooting continuous no?) & what camera + are the batteries fully charged or near depleted I know it sounds strange but these things can affect the cameras recording performance.<br>

    The card you are using should be fine as long as it's an original. (theres a lot of snide cards out there!)</p>

  6. Hector Javkin,


    The man in the picture I believe is 'Micky Gaffny,' last time I saw Micky was about a year ago although doubt he will be a round much longer due to his health, it was on Edgware Road near Paddington.

    see http://www.photo.net/photo/2939441, don’t be confused by the name ‘Dezza’ as it is a name I used for him until he gave me permission to use his real name.


    I was also publishing a book but once I realized that they were trying to get the book forwarded by someone who didn't have a clue on homeless issues and that all the sales profits were going else ware I turned and told them politely were to get off.

    I know as much as there is to about homelessness, being homeless myself and once living off the streets.

    I have been saying for many years now that it can affect anyone under the right/wrong circumstances one only has to look at the state of our economies to realize this with thousands of home repossessions taken place daily, job cuts, high inflation, low salaries etc.

    It is said that there are perhaps as high as millions who are only a few pay checks short of the streets, this could be you, your family, friends.

    Poverty is not choosy it does not discriminate; everyone may come into its spectrum as some time or another.

    I have over 13 years experience as an independent outreach worker helping the London homeless and paid out of my own pocket to do so, and yes I would give my pictures for the right causes I also do quite a bit of work for nothing from time to time for those who I feel really need it.

    I know the value of my work but my work is about humanity & social equality & greed & discrimination don’t go well there.<div>00QvzO-72689584.jpg.e8c9aba07b36a5c4384daaa3fcea9222.jpg</div>

  7. Enough about math guy's eh I mean come on as long as we get what we want as we saw it down on print the size we want, does it really matter that much over a few pixels if we achieve what we set out to do?


    Ken, I understand you and know that you are a man with many, years experience and a concise understanding into not only conventional photography but with digital and its complicated Raw processes.

    You must understand though that there are few with this same experience and prefer dialogue with a vet rather than being bogged down with a book where in some cases are written by techs with techs in mind.

    The greatest gift we can give to one another is our knowledge, spoken as it is meant, clearly and with good intent.




    I don't think Ken, is challenging your intellect nor trying to upset you I really believe its a simple case of crossed wires.

    Looking at both your work I see great sensitivity and a high level of commitment in your fields, granted that as there are different horses for courses just as there are differences in us folk too.

    My partner is also a professional photographer and is exceedingly technical, she reads every manual/guide/review whereas I read what is essential to me and then everything else is hands on, for to me photography is my life and I want to be as free as possible so approach this in a loose playful manner depending on the shoot that is!


    Anyway I for one cant answer this but can say is this - If you get what it is you want from your work is that not great, I can live without not knowing why the grass is green or the sky is blue as long as it stays that way for if it changes then I'll ask Why!


    I hope Derrick gets his camera but more, I hope that you both can take something positive from this experience.




  8. Derrick, I would advise the wait and believe that canon will have really done their homework here before releasing this model onto the market, it will boast lots of features including what many out there have been asking for a 'sensor clean' function.

    What I'd like to know is when is enough going to be enough do we really need 1MP, 2MP, 5MP, 8MP,10MP, 16MP, maybe next they will be hitting us with HDS technology if they are not already (High Definition Sensors) where every image is crisp, colours perfect-

    but will even that be enough before our consummer needs scream out for more.


    I reckon they 'Canon' are about to announce the official release date very soon, granted that this has been anticipated before so in this case we may have to hold our breaths just that little bit longer.

    But I am sure it will be worth it. ;¬)




  9. Hello fellow P.Netters, i have a question which I hope someone may know or

    have a solution/answer for.

    I have a 1Ds I used it in italy last week & it was fine I took it out

    yesterday and did some shots only to see with horror a white stripe/line of

    light across every picture?

    I tested different memory cards no problem! I tested the sensor no problem! I

    checked the lenses again no problems, I also checked to see whether any light

    may somehow be seeping int the camera,,No!

    The only thing I can think is maybe the airport Xray scanner has done this, is

    it possible?

    please any ideas would be really wellcome.


    I have included a few pictures for you to see the problem I took the liberty

    to put a box around the light for better viewing.







  10. Bernie, you were right he was a lovely chap and the said section was in deed referring to the original owner.

    the camera does however show almost no signs of use and is in excellent condition bar 2 things one is a tiny scuff almost un-noticeable and the other I am hoping it's nothing and can be mended if needed, which is the display has noticeable dust behind it a fair bit but still it doesn?t seem to effect the viewing unless one is trying to see if there is dust on the sensor by doing test shots and that?s were it might poise a little niggle, saying this the sensor is as clean as a newborn pup,

    Can canon clean out that dust if needed and would it cost the earth?


    Thanks everyone for replying now I am really a happy chappy, and can start uploading more pictures on street & social issues. :D


    I am going to traveling to Paris this weekend to photograph an Iranian Conference that are against the hard-line government and its policies the group wish to challenge them (the government) peacefully through negotiations, I think it's going to be interesting and I will be using the 1D MKII for this (Can't wait!)






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