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Everything posted by wgpinc

  1. I am having a terrible time with blurry out of focus images with my EOS RP and EF to R adapter, and 24-70 2.8 lens.. How should I set up autofocus to clean this up.
  2. Pipe wrench. (Maybe better not.) Get it to an authorized Canon repair person. Something is jammed and needs a good technician to diagnose it and hopefully fix it. May not be cheap. I don't recall having to have anything repaired by Canon. Check out Canon service center USA. https://www.usa.canon.com/support/service-and-repair
  3. On my Leitz Focomat I used the 50mm Zeiss Planar. The Schneider Componon was a tad low contrast and the El Nikkor 50mm was a tad contrasty, for my taste. I didn't easily have access to the Leitz Focotar but I'm sure it was at least as good as the Zeiss Planar.
  4. I always used a special Leica 28mm Finder mounted on the top of my M3 or M2. It is very accurate but a little pricey. 28mm Elmarit has such great depth of field that you can just zone focus. Very fast to use and very accurate as I said before. For example: https://www.ebay.com/itm/175763333288?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1UysF34ZUTEeKQyNXLCe1IA80&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=175763333288&targetid=1587268789337&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9032089&poi=&campaignid=19894961968&mkgroupid=148855406073&rlsatarget=aud-1306613350219:pla-1587268789337&abcId=9307911&merchantid=6296724&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnf-kBhCnARIsAFlg493PZhhGFXIzLmH2RSIjRakmIDq7FnDLMWMRSorigmWYQqg76Z6ui7kaAkV1EALw_wcB
  5. How do i get to my portfolios of pictures? Gil Pruitt
  6. I used the Canon G9 several years back. No complaints here, it was a fine serviceable camera with good image quality in a pocketable package. I carried it on a vacation to NYC some years back and got some good pictures.
  7. I tried to access a photo from the set of photos that was on the equipment page and was told I denied access to the photo. I've been a member of photo net long before the current web site was started and seniority alone should give me full access to anything on photo.net. Where did the classifieds go in the current iteration of photo.net equipment forum?
  8. I've taken a lot of pictures I like with the Canon EF-S 55-200M f-5.6 IS II lens on my Canon T5i. Quality lens that even new is a bargain. Very good lens with great reach and image quality.
  9. Don't forget Fulvio Roiter. Beautiful photographs of numerous places in the world but specially his home town, Venice. Beautiful color and Black and White. Another favorite of mine was Fred J. Maroon who used Leicaflex extensively and most specially Leica M with 21mm Leica lens for his pictures of America, including the White House interiors and exteriors. Both of these photographers produced beautiful books with their Leica cameras.
  10. When my eyes couldn't focus a rangefinder I reluctantly sold all my Leica M and R things. My M replacement currently is a Sony A6000 wearing a 17-70mm Sony/Zeiss 4.0 zoom, light small pocketable with great autofocus. I enjoyed my 47 years using Leica and made some memorable images along the way.
  11. I'm sitting here looking at this on a 2011 IMac. Get aggravating messages about how my safari browser is not supported any more. I can't update it under the current outdated operating system. I can't update to a newer iMac because my wife has a whole litany of her wants. I know what I want, a 2020 refurbished iMac Pro from OWC/Macsales at a great price, more power, more storage and a better screen. Less spinning balls. good luck and happy holidays to everyone. Just got back from opening Christmas and Chanukah packages with my 22 month old grandson.
  12. The Leica Gallery/Store on Bush Street in San Francisco was robbed at gunpoint. https://petapixel.com/2022/11/28/leica-store-in-san-francisco-robbed-at-gunpoint-of-178k-in-gear/ When I'm in that part of town in SF I make it a point to go in the Leica Gallery and look at the Leica Porn. Unfortunately I don't go in the City very much any more, specially to take pictures since photographers are getting thugged and mugged for their camera equipment. I hate it but I'm too old to fight that fight.
  13. I swapped out of my 6D. A fine camera that I had no complaints about but instead I got a EOS RP which is a leg up into the mirrorless world which can be had for $900 to $1,000. I bought the RF 50mm 1.8 and an adapter for EOS to R lenses which I have more than a few L category lenses. So far it has served me well with very nice raw files. I also have and plan to keep an EOS T5i and the excellent EF-S LENSES; 10-22MM, 17-50MM and 55-250mm. A nice light and small kit that can make very fine pictures. Here is a sample picture from the RP with the EOS 70-200mm 4.0 IS adapted.
  14. Allancobb, I spent or maybe misspent several teenage years on the Manhattan Pier in the early fifties. Nice picture and great memories!
  15. Are you sure that Canon doesn't have a feature/setting on the 5D Mk IV that automatically erases a card when it is inserted into the camera. Seems possible to me although I never owned the Mk IV. RTFM I guess and see if they reset that feature when they serviced the camera. https://support.usa.canon.com/kb/index?page=content&id=ART174048
  16. I have a Leica Focomat 1C with a Rodenstock 50mm enlarger lens that I think a great contrast compromise between the Nikkor 50mm and the Schneider Componon 50mm. It comes with a Leica 4 blade easel that goes up to 11-14. Contact me if you're interested.
  17. Two other very talented Leica SLR users were Fulvio Roiter and Ernst Haas. If you want to see some beautiful work you should take a look at them. They made spectacular pictures with the Leica SLR system and their fantastic talent.
  18. I have a full frame canon RF camera with some very good adapted full frame lenses that I use and enjoy with excellent results. I also have a Canon DSLR T5i along with some nice lenses to go along (10-22mm, the excellent 17-55mm 2.8 and the underrated Canon EF-S 55-250mm f4-5.6 IS STM. I keep this outfit because it is fun to use, worth very little on the used market and produces great images. If I can prioritize an RF 24-105mm some time soon I will get it because it is a great lens with a very good range, but it won't replace my adapted Canon 24-70mm 2.8 EF lens. I don't know much about the R6 II but I read review a while back where the reviewer, a portrait photographer, shot with the then current Canon offerings and stated that without doubt to her the best sensor was on the R5, next in sensor quality was the RP followed by the R and whatever was the remaining Canon RF camera. I'd want to read some reviews of the R6 II before I considered spending $2500 for it instead of buying up to the R5.
  19. I have the Sony 35mm 1.8 lens which is the equivalent of 52.5mm, a great 'normal' lens and I also use the Sony/Zeiss 17-70mm 4.0 (25mm to 105mm) equivalent lens which stays on the camera most of the time unless I need the 1.8. I would much rather have the a6400 or a6500 than the a6000 I have but I'm focusing (pun intended) on the Canon mirrorless system currently.
  20. Sony a6000 / Sony 35mm 1.8 This is epic I took a few years back at a Fair in Mill Valley, CA. I call it Gypsy Woman although I don't know if she's really a gypsy or not. She's mysterious anyway.
  21. Along with the Canoscan 9000F recommended above I think the Epson Perfection V600 Flatbed Color Photo, Film and Slides Scanner is probably the best bang for the buck currently available.
  22. They have a very nice 100-400 EOSR F5.6-8.0 lens for $649 that I'm interested in. With the high ISO capabilities that the R cameras have this should be a very functional Tele-zoom.
  23. What about one of these used Apple monitors? Used Apple Displays: Fully Tested & Inspected by OWC Technicians Are they suitable for you purpose?
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