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Image Comments posted by haris



    Agree with the cropping comment--either show more of the viewers or take them out completely.


    Looks like you're already at the critical exposure since her legs are blurred. I was going to suggest brightening the shot up a bit. Looks like the exposure is fine and you can upen up the exposure in post-processing. The ice should be much whiter! Check for color cast--on my screen it looks a bit magneta.


    Great expression! Like the whole pose. Maybe a bit tighter crop on the top and more contrast. The white background looks dirty--I'd push it to pure white.



    Very nice picture. I am curious, though, what's up with the fly? Is it dead? Did you spray the water/glue on it? Please share...


    I've looked into outdoor macro a bit more and apparently dewed up insects like this one are a normal part of an early morning. It's just a matter of getting up early, finding them and taking care in capturing the images.

  1. Very nice scene! Trully soothing to the soul.


    There's something weird about the picture though--it does not feel right. I believe it is the water. I love the bright saturated color, but it does not match with the sky. The blue of the water is very different form the blue of the sky. I believe there's a strong magneta cast in the sky--very visible in the clouds on the left corner. In general, once the water is saturated, it kinda makes the rest of the picture look flat. The trees on the right appear to be in the shade of a cloud and I wonder if you couldn't accentate it some more.


    If you have time and desire to do that, I would also remove the wires.



    In this great image cropping and pose are the strong points. The landscape of the body is well articulated by the light. I don't mind the lighting on the right. The left side is also fine. It seems to me, thought, that the contrast between the two contrasts is too great--I'd try to either make the left side less contrasty, or enhance the contrast of the right.


    Lovely image, though.



    Photo.net requirements are pretty strict and I had trouble converting this image to this RGB space. The original is vibrant and contrasty--anything but flat.


    I will upload a new image


    Makeup Room


    How can I make this image better. I am ambivlent about the clutter in the background. On the one hand it is destracting. On the other, though, it sets the tone.


    The plastic bag in the bottom right has to go, though...



  2. I've asked for comments/ratings on the unframed and unenhanced

    version of this same shot (bellow) and got no response. Since the

    picture was framed and marginally enhanced in PS with levels feature,

    the viewing and ratings started comming in and I even got a comment.


    I am still interested in all and any of your reactions to the

    picture, but what do people have to say about framing/saturating




    Blue Eyes Behind


    The photo is rendered in black-and-white and slight color added to the

    eyes and the lips. The flash is of the on-camera variety and casts a

    rather bad shadow--obivous! What about this image otherwise. Any and

    all comments are welcomed. Thanks.


    Visually stunning image; however, once I started looking into the details, I must say that the softening effect on the model's right hand has a very noticeable transition that takes away from the technical aspect of the shot. The hand is rendered out of focus, but the last couple of inches behind the head are sharp and the transition is obvious. Looks like an easy fix, though.

    Untitled 89

    Beautiful background and nice color in general. The buterfly, somehow, lack color. The right wingtip is out of focus--appears that DOF was too shallow.
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