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Image Comments posted by haris



    This is shot on the ceiling of my kitchen and flipped 180 degrees. I

    have many questions:

    - How do I identify the spider?

    - How to improve detail on the back of the chest?

    - Is flash shadow to distracting? Would an off-camera light directly

    above the arachnid have helped? Diffuser?

    - I cropped the front leggs which were long and out of focus. How

    does that affect the picture?



    Any other suggestions or comments?

    Little Friends

    Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, this is an uncropped image. The two boys were not exactly the most patient models and in the rush I did not quite frame the feet and the hand right.
  1. Very good idea, but roses are red not blue. You may have been going for the idea of the morning chill, but it just looks disturbing. I just like my roses WARM :-)


    Good job overall.

  2. Very nice, but I would prefer a picture with fewer hard-edged wrinkles. Silk is such a nice fabric and by itself would have considerably smoother transitions on the reflected surface. Maybe, try ironing the fabric before the shoot?

    Frontal Portrait

    At this magnification rate the DOF is rather limited. I used f/22 on this shot and, as you duly note, not all of the pestels are in focus. See other shots of the flower in this folder where I varied the perspective of the portion of the flower in focus. I am open to suggestion about improving the DOF.


    It took me a while to even see the spider. The light background is way too distracting and the spider is too dark. I'd play with the negative and bring out the spider as the main subjectc. Hiding it in the dark is one interpretation of the image, but I don't like it that way. I think the bug is too cute to hide it.

    Frontal Portrait

    I struggled with exposure and white balance of this shot. Theoriginal is in RAW, developed with PS. I will greatly appreciate anyand all comments, observations, or suggestions appreciated.

    What do you think? Tanks!

    Tulip Reflection

    The orientation does not work for me at all. The lighting comes from underneath. Hihghly unnatural and I think that's what makes the shot FEEL wrong. If it was lit from the top, our eye may accept the unusual orientation.

    Heart of a flower

    Steve: can you explain. After working on this image for a while I see many problems, but underexposure is not one of them. Original is a raw file with histogram in the center. It most be post-processing that gives this sense of under-exposure.


  3. After reading all this praise for the shot, I agree with good exposure and shot stabilization; however, I can't help but notice your poor choice of the focal plane. As is, the focus is on the drops and the dragon fly just kinda happens to be there. I would have either gone from the back of the dragon fly or moved the camera to the right by a few degress so that the legs would be in focus. If you move the camera down just a little bit, the belly would also be infocus. Shooting from above would also be more interesting. With so many possibilities, I wonder if you gave the choice of perspective any thought?



    This was shot in the late hours of the day when the horses where

    moving around a lot. I was very surprised to see two of them resting.

    The symmetry was too much to pass it by. What do you think?

    Fly Face


    I only wish you could update your Macro Tutorial on the use of extension tubes, teleconverters, and diopters in various combinations. Especially when it comes to the DOF changes and working distances.


    Thanks for your work and sharing!

    Summer Fruit


    I am salivating, but the color of the image is too cold. I'd warm it up a bit and give more saturation to the greens--the leaves are almost white. The white space on the top right is distracting. Maybe a tighter crop would help.


    Best luck.


    I like what you've done here but I am also picky. Seems to me that the eyes need to be whitened quite a bit to focus the attention on the person--they need to be at least as white as the background and even a bit brighter. Also, there's a halo around between the person and the background. Distracting! Darken the whites in the colar.
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