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Posts posted by robert_turner

  1. Good for you.


    I've not been as lucky. 3 months, still waiting for the majority of mine.


    Canon phone assistance was rude, they promised escelation and call-backs- NONE



    I am an accountant by trade and pretty snappy with paperwork. My submissions were

    spot-on and this whole expeience is turning my stomach.


    rt (5d & 24-105)

  2. Regarding "Canon's underwhelming 50mm f2.5 Compact Macro", exactly what are you talking about? The price/performance ratio of this insanely sharp lens is off the chart. Other than lack of USM, I find little not to love about this jewel. Even without USM the focus is pretty darn snappy, just not quiet. Have you ever used one?
  3. Artie's alligator shots at ISO6400 confirm the III has one amazing sensor.


    Interestingly, he also terms the body "light". I was pleased to see that Canon has abandoned

    the older heavy battery style in favor of the lighter Li-ion's but will be surprised if this camera

    feels anything approaching "light".

  4. Lighten up, Devin.


    Yeah, the NVidia Vista drivers blow chow when attempting 3d rendering in Autocad apps

    and perform quite poorly with many games out there, but do you really think freaking

    Lightroom presents such a challenge? I seriously doubt it. Do YOU believe everything you

    read on the internet?? ;-)


    The processor? If lightroom is that demanding in conjunction with Vista's overhead then

    that product is screwed. Again, I seriously doubt that is the problem as well. My tiny little

    macbook with 1 gb of memory runs plenty fast with my 5d images in B4 Lightroom, and

    Ed indicates his CPU is showing little draw. Moving data around stresses the I/O of a

    system where things move several orders of magnitude more slowly then with respect to

    the processor.


    Ed, any chance you either aren't properly referencing your photos or that Lightroom is in

    the process of a huge import in the background? When you say Vista says the CPU is the

    bottleneck, what exactly is Vista telling you? Have you tried importing a small sample of

    images to further discern where the issue may hide?

  5. I have a 1.1 Macbook, black, 2ghz, with 1gb (2x512mb) memory.


    When I open iPhoto (containing around 500 images, some raw, some big .jpg from

    my Canon 5d) the fans start to whirl and boy does the Macbook slow down.

    Sometimes it becomes totally unresponsive. I do not have this issue with my

    MacPro desktop, but it is configured with much more memory. This slowdown will

    occur even if iPhoto is the only running application.


    Can anyone affirm that replacing my memory with 2gb will alleviate this problem?

    It certainly seems like a memory issue, but I wonder if maxing it out to 2gb

    will fix this. I'd be particularly delighted to hear from Macbook users who

    have 5d's or 1ds'es as it seems the image file size is a source of the bog down.


    Thanks in advance!

  6. Take a look at the Lowepro RoverAW. I just ditched my mega LowePro bag for the same, as

    the big one was.. too big.. I can get my 5d w/24-105 mounted, 70-200 2.8, 50mm cm, 28

    1.8, 550 ex, 1.4tc, chargers, extra batteries, iPod, and even a MacBook with some room to

    spare, with some creative packing, and all lenses except the 50 travel with hoods...

  7. No, I was scared off Aperture after reading Apple forums after it was introduced. Granted,

    only those with problems seem to post in volume, but the issues, combined with the price,

    scared me off.


    I am stil curious- do you think the powersavings setting of the 5d could be the culprit?


    BTW, Sandisk now has a FW800 card reader... ;-)



  8. This is easily one of the most bizarre threads ever.


    What in heaven's name is so wrong about allowing the darn Canon software to store

    images in a folder on the desktop. Folks complaining about such things need to explain

    exactly why their file storage methodology is superior. A bloody desktop folder is really

    nothing more than a quasi-alias or "shortcut" for winfolks. Who frakking cares?


    Ken- why are you so "icky" about iphoto? I use CS2(CS3b.), lightroom, and iPhoto, and

    iPhoto really has a lot of useful aspects, especially when getting beneath the surface. It's

    raw handling pales in comparison with bridge for my .cr2 files, nonetheless it serves a

    valuable function in my workflow in many instances.


    Jim- no idea what your problem is... Did you leave the camera and upload software "on"

    and the camera subsequently powered down, frakking up the USB connection? Come all

    the way west to Bellingham, WA on your way to LA and we'll try in on my Macpro. ;-)



  9. I consider myself the careful sort, always distrustful of what seems "too good to be true",

    never purchasing cam gear from anyone other than the big guys and KEH, but I got rocked

    last week with a counterfeit SanDisk Extreme III 4gb card for my Canon 5d. Purchased via

    ebaaay from a guy with huge positive feedback, for about $25 less than B&H's price.

    Didn't seem "too good to be true".


    Well, it seemed slow, and after about a week, it died. I did some research and determined

    I bought a fake. Man, they are getting GOOD with their fake packaging. I would have

    bought the same at a store without question. It even came with a minicd rescue disc.


    I got my money back after a long battle, and in effort to save the time and money of

    bretheren in here who may be interested in SanDisk Extreme cards, I'd counsel googling

    "counterfeit sandisk extreme" and reading the first two hits, particularly the second. Tells

    you everything you need to know, but I can't link it from here.

  10. Ken-


    Your points are valid... I was sort of "in to the theoretical" wrt the whole issue here. I couldn't really relate as to why one would bother with the grid- I'm thinking it is perhaps aimed at creativity, say when shooting B&W, rather than getting "perfect" wb, but in any case, I shoot raw anyway so I guess it is rather moot.


    Thanks to all for the comments!

  11. Sorry, I misstyped re CF12. The function is obtained by [WB SHIFT/BKT] menu selection.


    However, the section of the 5d manual that discusses the matrix is woefully written, at least for my feeble comprehension. I was wondering if anyone actually used this and why.


    Here is what the manual says, page 64:


    "you can correct the standard color temperature for the white balance setting. This adjustment will have the same effect as using a color temperature conversion or color compensating filter. Each color can be corrected to one of nine levels. Users familiar with using color termparature conversion or color compensating filters will find this feature handy..."




  12. Hi guys and gals. It has been a long time.


    The 40's have not been kind to me, especially WRT eyesight, so I sold my venerable 1d and my 5d should

    be coming in tomorrow. Hopefully the bigger viewfinder will help my composition as well as my longing

    for my old Nikon FE.


    Anyway, what is the practical story on the WB correction matrix (CF12)? I have read what I can, and I am

    sure I am missing something here, but can anyone share exactly what this adjustment does, and why it

    benefits to do so pre-processing?


    Flame retardant suit on, thanks!


  13. I find the 28mm 1.8 one of my most satisfying lenses. The damped FTM focus ring is fabulous and the low light possibilities of this lens are remarkable. Also, the additional blades provide a bokeh that is wonderful to see. I think if you give it a try, you'll see where the extra money goes, nothing against the 2.8 version which is a bomber sharp lens in its own right.



  14. You asked me a question, Jim, that is why I posted again. Are you trying to be obtuse, or just attempting sarcasm? In any case, reading your comments has confirmed the irrelevance of this childish thread, as well as your complete lack of experience and knowledge on the subject matter. You won't be bothered reading any more of my comments here, I promise.



  15. Who cares about what the guy was "told", I mean, c'mon, quoting the quote of an anecdote from a saleman?!?


    No offense, but I just don't see what is newsworthy or interesting here. It is the way things have always worked, except that the normal product lifecycle has been "compressed" a bit with the advent of digital photography, and that started at least five years ago. Pretty much the exact same pattern has been followed by all high end Nikon and Canon digital bodies. Care to guess what my EOS-1D originally cost, now sells for used, and what I would be offered at a retail shop?


    Incidently, KEH is my favorite place for used gear.. Not sure, but I suspect they are the top, if not near the top, in terms of preowned photographic gear volume in North America. Kind of funny, isn't it, that if pros are dropping 1ds/II's in "droves", KEH doesn't have a single one available for sale?



  16. I'm with WT on this one. Nothing even remotely worth "chewing on" in this thread. Gosh- a dealer will only offer me half of what he would like to sell my used gear for! The horror! On the other hand, it does exemplify the ridiculous "gadget-think" that often plagues this hobby. Come to think of it, I think I'll bookmark this just to remind me! ;-)
  17. Pierre's question is correct and Ken is wrong regarding the image size of a 1.6 crop of a 12,480,000 pixel image.


    Taking 62.5% of this size as Ken has done ignores the fact the image area is a square of the sides. Instead, by my quick calculation, multiplying the height and width of the 5D image by 62.5% THEN squaring the same results in an image size of approximately 4,875,000 pixels. Now we are comparing "apples to apples"...



  18. I searched photo.net as I would have assumed this question has been

    asked before, but found nothing. Anyway, I just replaced my venerable

    Lexar 1gb 16x card with a Kingston Elite 2gb card. Everything works

    fine, in fact great, as a full buffer now clears almost 30% faster by

    my timings, but here's the question- When formatting the 2gb card the

    Canon tells me capacity is "1.1 gb"... Yet- I have twice the number

    of images to shoot as my 1 gb card that was correctly read by the

    formatting app. What gives? Don't have the cam in front of me now

    wrt firmware version, but 4 months ago it was current...




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