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nick g

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Image Comments posted by nick g

  1. This was a picture from a trip to the rainforest in Panama. I lived

    with the Woonah Indians for a while and was stuck with thier

    innocence. This is one of my favorite pictures from the trip. Any

    comments and ratings are welcome! Thank you in advance.

  2. These are very good photos. Just have to ask: Who really believes she is a musician? The first photo I love. The second she seems to be performing a act of hara-kiri with the violin and bow. Being taught the violin in my youth and growing up with a grandfather that was a classically taught violinist, this second scene would never have occured with anyone that loved their art or instrument. (where is the bridge on the violin?) Sorry it seems you have projected your feelings and thougts onto this choice here.
  3. This is a good picture. I too am curious as to what is the mess on the upper right. Is the TV picture fixed in photoshop? It is not easy to get a perfect picture and composition on the tube. Good stuff!
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