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Image Comments posted by wavegirl


    I really like the bendy bottle and the lovely textures. I think I agree with Anna's comment about the light. I think it's a bit too sharp and "slashes" through the scene. Other than that I think it's an absolutely gorgeous still life!

    Boy Racer!

    When I used to shoot "feech" or features for my University newspaper, this is the sort of picture that would often end up randomly around the paper. It's interesting how "feech" style reportage seems to garner low ratings around here. I guess it's a different world now, drama is in, simple human interest is out...Life magazine, come back all if forgiven!
  1. The colours are fantastic, as is the cuban lass's enigmatic smile. I think I'd either crop a bit tighter for head adn shoulders, or a tiny bit looser to get the whole headdress in. I think a tiny fill flash would help chase the facial shadows away. Another option is shooting into the sun and metering for the face and let the background be overexposed.
  2. Tremoundous expression, perfectly cropped. The focus seems a little soft, which doesn't bother me overly but uber-sharpness is a Holy Grail to many. It's a really emotive shot, nicely done.


    I love the lighting and Fred's expression. Do you remember what aperture you used? The very front of the nose seems a might out of focus, though not very noticeably.
  3. Very hard-to-meter-for lighting -- you did very well with it, the composition is lovely. I think I'd rotate counter-clockwise a hair, the horizon seems a wee bit downward sloping (I just bought a hot shoe spirit level I'm so bad at keeping my horizons straight!).

    Camera shy

    Your point is well taken, but it's the best I could do in a moment, especially with Minox -- the subject hides whenever the camera comes near him and this time he did it in a way I found visually interesting.
  4. I love this photo. The backlighting is incredible, the composition solid. I don't agree with the comments about "other people's art." That could be said of photos of buildings, or even people or trees if you consider that as "god's art." Very little if anything we photograph we made ourselves, we just look for interesting ways of seeing the existing world, which you've done, and done well.

    La Traviata

    I adore the composition! I'm not sure if it's my computer's gamma (Mac and PC gamma are different, which sometimes affects web pictures)- the sea looks a little dark - is it possible to lighten it a little and retain the silhouette?
  5. I like the depth, reminds me of the types of shots that made Orson Wells' films famous (remember the banker talking to Mrs. Kane while young Charles played outside in the snow?)
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