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Image Comments posted by 1000wordsphotography



    Ahhh Ken, you know a good photographer will go to any length to get the shot...


    I do have some other shots Bryan, but this was my favorite. Along with about 50 million shots of the house that was burning causing all the smoke.

  1. when will we get an updated version with all the shoes? Me thinks you have a foot fetish and requested all theses pairs to just feed your need...pervert!!!




    we are wearing sandals here in NC right now as the weather is so warm so I don't need mine back for awhile...oops perhaps that is giving away a clue!


    Courage ...


    It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.

    Erma Bombeck


    Hi Cowboy, sorry I haven't been around much lately, thinking of you though. This is another one I will need a print of when you get "round to it. It's as close to a perfect photo as I have ever seen. You light up a lot of lives Dude. I give it 7/7

    The Dip


    This was a year ago and I still get a kick out of it every time I see it. What a great couple they were/are.


    No dip for me... I took the "plunge" MANY years ago and keep my dips at home!! haha !!

  2. Thanks everyone. I love this one too. The original has a kind of golden tone to it. The brides maids worn shades of brown and gold. I prefer this one with a softness to it.


    Trying to capture an intimate moment and hoping I succeeded.

  3. This was actually taken before the ceremony, he is asking, "you ready kiddo?".


    Restaging is out of the question as the wedding is done and the honeymooners are out of town. That is kinda the way it goes with wedding shots, you get one chance at some things. Still, this is my favorite from the day. I work with this "Dad" as well as "Mom" and he is the life of every party. His big smile is infectious. I suppose this is one of those "you had to be there" moments. Sorry it doesn't come through to the viewer. I worked hard on the skin tones for every shot (I took hundreds of them) glad you think they came out ok.


    Thanks for checking out my wedding folder Lou!


    Thanks! this is cropped from a larger shot. I didn't like the backdrop behind her head so I cropped to focus on the eyes and smile. She was a cutie!

    Mama Cat


    My grand dad had a cat called Bumma, and of course there was Bumma's Mumma.


    Your title reminded me of that old story, great work, lovely animal.

    Paired for Life


    Hey Lannie, I think Leann is in Morganton but not sure. That is west of here by about 3 hrs I think. We will have to get it from the horses mouth. I will look Salisbury up on the map to see where you are in relation to me. Ther must be a cool place we could all meet up and do some shooting someday. Leann and I were both at the Asheboro zoo on the same day and didn't even realize it last year.


    Thanks for commenting Lannie, Kim, Chris, Prina. This one is near and dear to my heart.

    After the Rain


    We will be cheering for Seattle here at our place though most of NC isn't too thrilled that they beat the Panthers, still... We love an underdog!


    Ahhh the photo... extrodinary view, and I have to agree with Ken, nothing like traipsing around in the boonies with someone special!

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