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Image Comments posted by richard_milner2



    Very characterful.


    Crop out the man facing out of the right edge of the picture. This will balance the composition and focus attention on the visual relationship between the waiter and the two seated customers.

  1. I find the tree right in the middle, behind the cannon barrel, very intrusive. If you could have moved to your right and angled the camera more to the left, it would have given some separation between the cannon and the tree trunk.


    Other than that it is a good picture.


    I like this picture. I like the colours and the way the streaks of cloud contradict the lines of the building. However I feel it is slightly unbalanaced and might work better if you included more on the left. The building seems too massy there and needs a bit of space to breathe. Just my opinion.

    Gnome Home


    I like this shot. Old trees can be very interesting subjects.


    Criticism: There is too much light in the upper right quadrant and you have lost some detail from the log texture there. Presumably you had to shoot into the light. Closing down a couple of stops and using fill-flash to bring the main subject back may be worth trying.


    Suggestion: The colour palette is muted. Try changing the scan to black and white and see how it works like that.

  2. A very characterful Japanese scene. The foreground is a bit messy and adds nothing. Try cropping closer to the tree roots on the bottom. You might also try a panoramic crop (that is, crop down to the middle 1/3rd of the shot, and concentrate on the lanterns.)
  3. I think there is too much nothing. For me it would have worked better if you put the gate closer to the middle of the picture. (Rule of 3rds - it's nearly heresy to mention it.)


    This kind of shot could work well if you got behind the gate, looking through it into the mist.

  4. Yes I agree, including the roof led to a big area of white, over-exposure.


    This was my first roll experimenting with the use of an Orange filter for IR film. Experience showed that the Orange filter often leads to over-exposure because so much visible light is let through as well as the IR.


    The results would probably have been better with a Red filter but that would have required a tripod, which you are not allowed to use in some situations. I have some other Orange filtered shots which I should post for comparison.

  5. I increase the brightness in Photoshop because the picture looks better to me that way. I don't know that it is correct.


    The problem with editing pictures on screen is that the results are very dependent on other factors such as the screen gamma setting and ambient lighting. I certainly do not try to control these professionally.


    To be honest, my main motive in posting pictures is to get comments on the composition. I don't believe the cheapo scanner and my low digital manipulation skills do justice to the original photo's qualities in other respects.



    I like this because of the strong colours. You might try the shot in vertical (portrait) format to include more of the second lily, and reduce the amount of background.


    Another thing to try is reducing the depth of field to blur the background more. Unfortunately that also makes it harder to get the flowers in full focus, but it would be worth trying to see the effect.

  6. The angle is fine. The shot is eye-cathcing as a thumbnail. Personally I don't find the background distracting because it is a fairly neutral colour and pattern compared to the subject.
  7. There is something about it I like.


    Try cropping about half of the foreground off. There is nothing interesting in it, and you can get the boy onto the intersection of the thirds.

    ice-bound rock


    I like it very much.


    At first sight of the thumbnail version, I thought it was a montage showing an asteroid moving through a field of stars. This drew my eye.


    Then I looked at the larger version. The paler streaks moving from bottom left to top right help a great deal to add interest to the image and the ice texture is lovely.


    I think this subject deserves several shots.


    If you took it at a different angle, perhaps you would get more sparkle of light reflecting off the ice particles.


    You might also try to have the rock in the upper left 3rd of the shot, and give the pale streaks more image area.


    Of course you need to wait for next winter.

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