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Posts posted by david_eppstein

  1. Thanks, Dominic.


    While we're on the subject, can someone explain to me how it is that when I set a wide

    aperture, the reflected background in the subject's sunglasses is much more focussed

    than the blurred real background? I know it works and used it deliberately in my shot

    above, I just don't understand why it works.

  2. <p align=center><img src="http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/pix/orcas/emp/EMP8-

    m.jpg"><br><br><i>Experience Music Project, Seattle</i></p>

    Ironically, there's a Gehry building much closer to home that I don't have any photos of.

    Part of my department is housed in it and I walk past it every day as I go to work. The roof

    leaks and all the inhabitants hope it gets torn down soon. It's never inspired me to try

    photographing it.

  3. In fact if you hadn't set the category to Nikon I would likely have posted a firetruck

    equipment photo. As it is, I don't understand what you were hoping to accomplish by

    starting a thread that nobody else could contribute to, and was hoping either to find out a

    good reason (which would let me be less annoyed by such threads) or to help you or

    someone else produce better thread-starters. Instead I seem to have antagonized you,

    which was not my intention. Sorry for that, and if you really don't want to explain, then

    just carry on without me.

  4. Theme seems a little overspecific -- how many photo.netters do you think are going to

    have photos to post of crash truck equipt? And then you choose a category that restricts

    only to Nikon shooters? What's the point?

  5. I got my 50/1.4 a month ago (filling a gap between my 28 and 70-200), and took it and

    my D60 on a two-week road trip through central and northern California. A very large

    fraction of the keepers were with the new lens. I also used it and no other lenses for

    shooting an indoor daytime party and a small-town July 4 parade with good results. I like

    it a lot.

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