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Image Comments posted by venkat1



    this is one of those photos..where you forget about film format, camera bodies, "L" lenses, film used and other assorted bullshit.


    the captured moment warms the heart and brings out the best in everyone who sees it.


    Terrific Job.


    Best Regards,

    Venkat P.

  1. Actually the pole was a beach style larger umbrella. there were plenty of those all around. but i should have scooted around for a better angle. its irritating the way somethings seem so obviously incorrect after you've seen the result, but look just right through the viewfinder before you trip the shutter. ;-)
  2. Actually getting the top of the bell was what i had tried for. but they were at a good height above the ground. i had climbed up with one leg on a thin ledge and the other on another structure (enclosure for bursting crackers). being so poorly balanced, i couldn't get any higher.
  3. again original. i would have promptly taken the shot from the other side. this holds interest better.


    just curious, but would it have been better if you had taken it a wee bit more from your left. meaning, if all you could see were the bugs legs around the stalk and its antennae sticking out. meaning you don't see its body itself. possibility ??



    this is definitely different. we have seen many bugs/insect close-ups here. but this is a fresh perspective. 9 on originality.


    didn't know you had voyeuristic tendencies bill ;-)

  4. traditionally, first time uploaders are whipped on their bare asses ;-)..but we'll make an exception in your case since you have so requested. (actually, i think i'll make the same request when i upload my first. seems to work)


    excellent colours there. its a simple and pleasing photograph. also a good decision on the choice of camera. (according to me).


    best regards,



    done pretty well considering the lens used. can't get too close, can't fall back too far. however it isn't as sharp as i'l like it to be or as sharp as i would expect. maybe the scan ??
  5. top notch work pal. very original and eye-catching. the shadows and highlights in such a concentrated area really makes this photograph.


    and i appreciate and respect you for the fact that you have stated what you have done up-front in photoshop. there are many who don't bother and we just have to wonder.


    keep up the good work.





    put it down to my ignorance if the question is irrelevant, but is there some photoshop used here?the sharpness just exactly on the area of his face is a bit disconcerting.
  6. the left side of his face is a bit too dark for my taste..i would have liked some more detail in his left eye especially...however a very good exercise in lighting. quite original.
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