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Image Comments posted by venkat1

    Party Time


    i have nothing to add to the previous comment. it was pretty spot on.


    maybe you could have used a SLIGHTLY faster shutter speed so that you could get the faces clearly yet retain the blur of their hands and thereby a feeling of movement. not sure about that though. just a thought.


    a wonderful photograph.

  1. well..its definitely original. eye-catching because of the vivd colors used. what i like is there are just a few colors here. so it doesn't get muddled. the wide-open lens has given a nice effect here. very original.
  2. i wish you could have got the full coconut tree in the foreground(the tall one). you could have compromised on the dark lower quarter of the scene anyways. but for that it is a postcard quality capture. terrific colours. right place at the right time.



    this is such a wonderful photograph but for two things.


    1. some more light on just her face.

    2. PLEASE crop those clothes, wire, electric points etc. PLEASE.


    i really want to give a 7 for aesthetics for this one. i'll do it immediately after you crop it.




    all of these series of your photographs are wonderful with light and composition.


    but it think its a bit blurred. a little less sharop or whatever. is it the scan or have you created it intentionally in PS ??

  3. 1. very nice light.

    2. gr8 job with the stones in the foreground. they appear to lead you into the photo.

    3. you did well with the vertical format here. most sunsets/sunrises seem to be taken in the horizontal. this one works here.


    good job.



    lazy, fat, useless...and crooked...



    well..this site is an american site. conceived, created, maintained by americans for members most of whom are non-paying. members from all over the world.


    i read the profile of the guy who conceived the site. funny...none of the above adjectives could be used to describe him.


    seriously, why the unprovoked baiting ??



    its only a group shot. but its a cut above for me because of the way u've made them sit. very balanced. its arranged but they are still very comfy and casual. i will remember this next time i take a shot of my friends.

    good job.



    i like it for the way the scene has a feeling of total stillness due to the water.


    However, might have seen quite a few similar boat photos yourself on the site.


    But the crop of the bow of the boat on the right could have been avoided.

    After Shower


    background clutter ??? there isn't enough of it to depict his environment completely and just enough to distract.


    good contemplative expression on his face though.

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