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Posts posted by adnan

  1. I think I'm going to be in the market for a Heliar pretty soon; I've

    got the 50 cron and the 75 lux. We're heading out to Prague for a

    week this summer and I'd like to have a wide angle lens for the trip.


    I've been reading up on the previous posts on the 15mm Heliar and

    had a couple of questions. I understand there is no rangefinder

    coupling and the focus must be done by the scale.

    Do you guys use the seperate viewfinder for composition or do you

    find it unnecessary due to the wide angle of the lens?

    Which adapter do you use to fit the lens to an M?

    Is this an ideal lens for shooting cityscapes?


    I'd especially be interested in seeing some pictures from this lens;

    if you guys have any to share, that'd be great.


    Thanks in advance.

  2. I've been using a 25a filter with success for adding contrast to blue

    skies with clouds. I can't seem to find one for a 60mm lens and am

    considering a 091 "Deep red" filter. How will the images from this

    be different from the 25a? Can I expect darker skies? What will be

    the effect on very light blue skied (in my experience, 25a didn't

    change the contrast as much as I'd expected).



  3. Thanks for the replies, one follow up question. I've read about the difference in sharpness between the Summilux and the Summicron in 50mm. Have you guys experienced this? If there is a difference, is it only at wide open or is it still there at f8?


    For reference, I'm going to be coming from a Zeiss Planar 45mm f2.


    Thanks in advance.

  4. I did a search on this topic and found some answers regarding the

    Summicron, but wasn't able to come up with anything regarding the

    50mm f1.4 Summilux.


    My question is are there any differences between a brand new 50mm

    1.4f Summilux lens and one that was manufactured in the 80's

    (assuming they are both in similarly good condition)? Any major

    design changes? I'd like a good user lens and wouldn't mind saving a

    few hundred bucks by getting an older lens if there's not much to be

    gained by getting a new lens.


    Also, if anyone could tell me a decent target price on an older lux,

    I'd appreciate. The prices are all over the place on eBay.


    Thanks in advance.

  5. I'm a beginner, and have been using a Canon QL-17 rangefinder and

    Kodak C-41 B&W film. I've liked it quite a bit, as I rarely get the

    sepia tones I've heard about, and its convienient to process.

    Planning a trip to the Mayan ruins in a month, and I would like to

    come away with some nice photos, for enlargement. Would there be any

    benefit to switching to true B&W film for the trip, or should I

    continue with what I have?


    Also, a friend recomended using a red (25) filter for getting cool

    dark tones from the sky. I'm looking for some menacing clouds

    without having an overall darkening effect on the rest of the

    picture. As I don't develop my own film, is this a good idea?


    ps-- I'm considering getting a used Contax G1 as well.


    Many thanks in advance!

  6. Hi,

    In my search for a small alternative with a good lens I came across a Leica CL (the M-series is a bit outside of what I want to invest right now). Is this an easy camera for a beginer user? I know its got a built in meter. How does its quality compare with other Leicas? What's a good lens to look for?

    Any opinions are greatly appreciated!

  7. Hi!

    Please bear with me, I'm very new to photography. I started when I bought my wife a Canon Rebel 2000. Then I started looking around for a smallish camera for myself with a 'solid feel'. I came across Leica on the internet. Can you really use rangefinder style cameras on low light situations? Could I use one indoors without a flash in the evening?




    What do I need to about using a camera without a lightmeter? Is it easy to take good pictures without one? What exactly does a lightmeter do? Does is set the shutter speed and apeture automatically?

    What would be a good price to pay for an M3 or IIIf which takes good pictures (not interested in displaying or whatever).




    Thanks in advance for entertaining these questions!





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