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Posts posted by cbettis

  1. <p>As a fairly new user of mirrorless,(Oly E-P2) I have found that I have quite a few misses using the wide array auto focusing, and much greater success using the single focusing point. Is this a fairly common theme? What do others do in regards to the auto focusing?</p>
  2. <p>Loaded up a fresh battery in the new E-P2, put in a new SD card, formatted it in the camera and went out to shoot. After the first shot, I got a "card error". Reformatted the card, took onw shot and with the second shot I got "card error" again. Did the same a couple more times with the same result. Is this likely a defective card (it was/is new)? Thanks for your help!</p>
  3. <p>Oy! Charged up the battery for my new E-P2, dropped in a new SD card, formatted it in camera, took two pictures then got Card Error. Tried the whole sequence again and again with the same result. Is it likely that a brand new card is somehow corrupt or am I missing something obvious? Thanks for your help.</p>
  4. <p>Just bought a used Oly E-P2 body. Thoughts on the Oly 14-42 versus the Panasonic 14-42? I have been told that the focusing speed with the Pany on the P2 is faster. Anecdotal?</p>
  5. <p>Having a closet-full of Olympus Zuiko lenses (not really a closet-full, just 5) I am curious about their use on an Olympus digital body. I still shoot medium format film but would like to rejuivinate the Zuiko's and use them. Suggestions for a body and helpful hints woud be appreciated. Most of my shooting with these would be general interest/landscape, etc. Thanks</p>
  6. Does anyone else hate the reorganization of the classified section?

    Instead of a nice chronological organization of the ads, now you

    have them listed in no particular order! What a pain. Please reset

    the old system.

  7. Vancouver is just a few miles west of the mouth of the Columbia River Gorge, which is truly magnificent. Mt. St Helens viewpoints are all around the area and if you want to get really close it is about an hour and a half drive. In the city itself is the original Ft. Vancouver that was founded by the Hudson Bay Trading Company. Officers Row and the current Ft. Vancouver has great old restored housing that was occupied by everyone from US Grant to Eisenhower. If you have any specific questions or I can help in other ways, email me off line. Chuck
  8. My wife has been offered (for $50) a new Canon EFS 18-55. I know

    that it is a kit lens but I'm curious about it's usability on her

    Canon film bodies. I know regular EF lenses work on the D bodies

    but is the reverse true? Can you tell I'm a film and not a digital

    guy? Thanks, Chuck

  9. The longest Pentax 645 lens I currently own is the f4.5 200mm, which

    is generally sufficient. For those few times that I want to extend

    (but don't want to buy the hugely expensive 400)does anyone have any

    input on that particular combination (Pentax 2x conv and Pentax

    200mm). I am certainly aware of light loss and am more interested

    in image degredation with this combo. Thanks, Chuck

  10. Although he doesn't necessairly advertise as such, Mark Hama is well versed on the Canon Rangefinders. A friend used him for a CLA and a couple of minor repairs on his L1 and was most satisfied. Additionally, Stephen Gandy of CameraQuest fame takes care of the Canon Rangefinders. Incidentally, I have and have used a number of Canon P's and find them fabulous. Built like a tank, rangefinder alignment easy to adjust (if it ever need it) and a 1.0 viewfinder. Check CameraQuest or Kaaren Nakamura's Photoethnography site for more info. Chuck
  11. I've been looking for a used Pentax 75mm lens and have found a

    plethora of Lens Shutter 75's but few A's. Is there a disadvantage

    to the LS for someone who does not plan on using that feature. Also

    the LS's have been noticibly cheaper than the few "A"'s that I've

    found which confuses me. Thanks, Chuck

  12. In looking at a Bronica ERTSi today I noticed that there were three

    different models of backs available, 120, late 120 and ei120. Other

    than all taking 120 film, is there a significant difference between

    the backs?

  13. In reading Gandy's site about the new CV bodies, it would seem that

    the only difference between the two are the frames (25, 50, 75,90)

    vs. (40, 50, 75, 90) and the .7 or 1.0 viewfinder. Assuming that one

    did not need the 40 frameline, why would anyone opt for a .7 over

    full frame? Am I missing something? (I usually am!)

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