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Image Comments posted by tony-mistretta



    I can feel the still cold winter air and I want to run up the hill and up the stairs to see the view from the top.  Nice B&W tones and composition.

  1. I like the pose and expression.  She looks like she is looking forward to her journey, and is waiting for someone to join her.  I don't think she will be alone for very long.  The background is also interesting and compliments the subject.

    Last dance


    I like the high contrast texture of the lace on her dress and the fabric of his suit and background drapes.  His hand is well placed, just enough showing, and the same with the smile.  Well done!



    I like her playful expression from behind the veil.  The catch light in one eye is just the right amount of sparkle that is needed to make me want to look again more closely.



    This has all of the elements of a good portrait.  A most characteristic bird, seems comical to us, but then again, we may look pretty silly to him also.

  2. I would not normally find interest in a pet image, since I don't own or care to own one, but I find this one to have comic value.  When I hear people talking about their pets, they all seem to enjoy when their pets do something funny.  I think you have captured this well, with him standing perfectly against the most wonderful background and pleasing side light.  While I cannot see his eyes with all the fur, I think that adds to the humor.  When he stands upright like this, it almost makes him seem human, so we identify more with him, and think of how much fun he must be having, and wouldn't we like to do the same.

    Cactus flower


    Soft and delicate, like a flower should be.  I like the flow of the petals from the center.  The only thing I find slightly bothersome is the wedge-shaped petal in the upper left that interrupts the flow of the main upper patal.  I still find it very pleasing overall.

    Me on a Camel


    Your image tells a great story, and one that will be remembered by you and enjoyed by others for years to come.  That fits my definition of a good photograph.  I love the shadows and the texture in the sand.



    While it may not be the most flattering light and pose, I think it is an excellent photo because it captures her personality and emotion which is the essence of a good portrait.  I would be very happy with this.

    Cindy @ UBC


    Cindy is a very pretty model with amazing eyes and strong facial structure.  I like the lighting, pose and expression.  I'm not sure about the excessive green though, and I'm wondering if it might be improved by desaturating the green while leaving the other colors as is.  You might leave some of the green, but just not have it be so overpowering.  Hope this is helpful.



    This gargoyle started with a small refrigerator magnet that I photographed in

    my kitchen with poor ambient overhead light. I applied post processing to

    achieve the effect that you see here. Please let me know what you think?

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