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Image Comments posted by tony-mistretta



    I just commented on another similar photo that you had requested critique for.  I like this one also with the bird perfectly in flight to catch what the woman is about to give him.  Good timing.

    Busker in Training


    Nice treatment that you have given to this.  That knee poking through draws my attention and the leg provides a leading line to the guitar and the man's head, right up to the colorful cap.  Nice work.



    Looks like she's doing what makes her happy, and I'm sure the birds appreciate it also.  Nice how you caught the bread pieces up in the air.

    Renaissance Parade


    You did well to include all of these parade people and not any other onlookers.  The woman in the center is nice and sharp and the tall guy behind her fills in the space above.  Great perspective and timing with most of them looking in your direction.



    I love this whimsical series of images.  The high contrast B&W breaks it down to wonderful simplicity, and the reflection doubles the impact.

  1. To me, this is an image of a woman who has accepted herself for what she is, and she is sitting prominently in a public place where she will be noticed.  She is proud of her hands and she wants people to notice those as well because they are something special about her.  Her posture, expression and the way her hair is combed are all an expression of self-satisfaction and the power of commanding the space that she occupies and everyone that enters her gaze.  I think this is a very compelling image, very well done.  Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Midnight meadow


    I find this very interesting, especially considering that it started out as a trail of smoke.  I like how you have added the three-demensionality, and they seem to be tumbling as if influenced by some outside force.  This makes it much more dynamic than if you just presented the symetrical circular design.

    Very well done!

  2. Eye like how the soft folage contrasts and blends with the hard architecture, and the clouds add some drama.  It does seem a bit flat and dark to me, however, and eye recommend a dose of levels to bring out more contrast and highlights.

    Sunset portrait


    Looks like your flash was off camera to the left.  I think this is very well done.  There is just enough light on her face and still looks natural, while also exposing the sunset sky for full color saturation.  Nice work.



    Soft, fresh and delicate roses emerging from buds, bathed in beautiful light.  Very pleasing to look at.  You have captured and presented them very well.

  3. I like this because there is a definite triangle formed between the artist, the subject and the drawing.  You have captured all three of these elements in a way that is both pleasing and interesting.  She is also very pretty which draws my attention more and he looks pretty cool with the artist's hat and coat.  Since the other elements (the bridge, tree, etc. are unimportant, I suggest you may want to crop in closer to fill the image with the main three elements.

  4. Sometimes we laugh at life's absurdities because its best not to take things too seriously.  This is often the case in the working world where absurdities are imposed upon us by others that we have no control over.  What else can you do but laugh?  That is what I think this image reminds me of, since he looks like a worker-bee in a work environment, just happy to do his job and sometimes find humor to get him through the day.  Great capture and work environmental image.



    Nice natural light.  Handsome subject. The door with the peeling paint has some texture and character.  I think it might be improved with just a bit more contrast, although that can be a matter of taste.  You might go a little further to brighten just his face so that it draws the viewer's attention more.  Hope this is helpful.



    I've always liked the song, but never thought much about the lyrics and didn't know it was written by Bob Dylan.  It all makes more sense now I think, and your picture brings it all together for me.  Very well done, I think Bob D would agree.

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