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Image Comments posted by smhickel

  1. Are you saying the D70 only can use some Nikon lenses (not all). I know it can't use AIS or AI manual lenses. But, how 'bout auto-focus lenses, can it use all of them?


    The trick to film and scanning is to have a fast and excellent quality scanner. Mine is a Nikon 4000ED. 4000dpi or 55mb-sized files in full resolution, often times seeing grain of film before pixalization. Takes one minute to scan a 1-pass image. About 5-minutes for 4-passes, which is what I usually use.


    Ice and Gem are two nice features that get's rid of dust and auto compensates for any color and balance. Tri-x scans (b&w) has to be manually made dust-free. Otherwise, excellent digital gear!



  2. What does DSLRs mean (Digital Single Lens Reflex?)?


    I would like a D70, but with a 4000dpi Nikon scanner, my film cameras are all essentially digital and I like the look better than pure digital. I get grain and film effect and all the goodies with a film scanner that are missing with a DSLR?. Plus my wide-angle lenses are truly still wide-angle. As I understand the D70, a 35mm is more like a 50mm?


    best wishes,




    ps. regarding level in this photo. Good point. I believe this is accurate; that is based on slope of right hill. Feels right, I guess, from my memory.

  3. By level do you mean ps level or horizon level?


    Mostly film. I have an Olympus E-10 digital 4mp camera that has a great lens, but just don't like messing with batteries. I almost never use the lcd when I do use it; and when I do, I am always using up the battery. Prefer film, as I have a great digital film scanner and that makes all my cameras ultimately digital...





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