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Posts posted by greg_smith4

  1. I use a Crown Graphic with a polaroid 545i back. The camera isn't too heavy, nor is the polaroid back. It folds up into a nice little box when not in use. Generally, it's pretty easy to use. The only thing that really slows you down is changing from the ground glass to polaroid back. As of lately though, I have been wiching for a camera with more movements (The crown grapic only has front tilt, you can drop the bed a little, and move the lens horizontally about 1/2 inch to either the left or right). I like to develop the film on the spot so I know everything looks alright. If you shoot type 55 at about 40 or 32 asa, you get a good negative. The print will look bad, but should give you enough info on whats infocus and the general compostition. Feel free to Email me if you have any more questions.
  2. If the camera is going to be on a tri-pod, and you nedd large prints, I think you should consider medium format. I use FP4 as my main film. I'm very happy with it. I've only gone up to 8x12, so I don't know what it looks like at 16x20. I think you'd be a little better off with Delta 100 because it is a Tgrain film and usually has finer grain, or Pan F because it is slower and less grainy.
  3. I first moved up to MF with my Bronica SQ-a. I really like it, and its great because you get a much better quality picture than 35mm, and you can still hand hold the camera. Recently I bought a Crown Graphic. It's fun to play around with, and I'd like to shoot more seriously with it. If I were to just have one, I'd say my medium format beacuse it's more versitile, but thats just my opinion.
  4. Hope you all had a nice Christmas. Now that new years is around the

    corner, what are your resolutions? Mine would be to get more

    organized. Keep the darkroom neat, get my prints organized (I'm good

    with negatives), get together my portfolio, that kind of stuff. I've

    signed up for a color printing class, so I'd like to learn more of

    that. I'm pretty happy with my black and white, so I guess just keep


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