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Image Comments posted by willem_dijkstra

  1. Should I have included the building canopy ?

    Should I have the tower at an angle ?

    I think the picture is very clean and think it suits this modern

    architecture. But it is my first architecture picture and would

    appreciate any suggestion for improvement.

    Did you bring food ?


    Some people ask how I could hold it all in my hands, here is the answer :

    I used a Shaytech flash bouncer as shown in this thread flashbouncer

    , so I did not have to hold it with my hand.

    and since this is normally used for bouncing within light interiors and this

    shot was outdoors you have to add something to bounced the light

    forward again (and down in front of the camera since this was a macro shot).



    To do that I covered a CD box in aluminium foil and held it with my left hand ( which was also supporting the lens barrel) in an angle above the camera.


    What also works well is one of those cheap dust mask you can use to cover your mouth and nose for dusty do-it-yourself work. Cover it in aluminium foil and you have a real, almost parabolic, spotlight.


    And of course thanks to Shay for the initial idea of this simple bouncer.



    Did you bring food ?


    The young birds are strong enough to look out of the nest, almost

    ready to fly out. Please see description with photo for technical

    details. Handheld and quickly moving away to allow the parents to

    come in to feed.

  2. Following up on some comments :

    I have now added exposure info. Looking at the levels I see the full range used, so dynamic range is wider than camera can handle, so some overexposure indeed. It was a bright sunny day.

    Also I have followed up on the cropping suggestion. Here it is. I agree it is better. Thanks for the tip.


    Thanks you all for your comments.



    I like the soft colored and blurred background and the gras high enough (or your position low enough) to reach into the light area.


    Thanks for commenting one of my pictures. I'll return the favour. I like this picture a lot, looks almost like a painting. Maybe even better if you remove the purple flower on the lower left edge.


    Good to see you are also experimenting with new angles. Well done. I have some in my folder as well, please have a look. I used flash on one of mine, in my own opinion a bit to harsh, although I like the detail that is then shown. Worth a try on your shot ? With diffuser ?


    I agree with the previous comment, good shot, I feel tension while sitting in my chair because of the movement backwards. He's going to hit that wave allright ...Leave as is.



    I can see the bad quality of my lens, but I like the light at 3

    distances in the photograph. How about you ? Any comments ?

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