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Image Comments posted by rogan


    I really like this shot but ... something's missing somewhere. A nice idea and maybe something to work on - movement and its juxaposition to something that's not.
  1. One's got to ask the point here? That it conveys a "shocking message" is one thing. That this bounds on morbid curiosity is quite another. This comment being out of context for the reasons why this particular picture was taken in the first place and why you were there. Your caption doesn't help - thus lending emphasis to the second item listed. Had you mentioned something like "dying from aids" may have put the picture in a better context.

    The Dolmen

    like most good landscape photography - much of it is waiting for the right moment. Its missing here as in having enough detail behind the megalith bottom left to give the roof more separation from the background.


    Almost a contradiction to that road shot. Here you have elements in place but then ... Cropping may have helped in the final image. Better use of equipment - especially filters may help in the future. Even something a simple as a warming filter.


    So difficult. You have that white arch with which so much more could have been done. Likewise with the tiles in the foreground and using these elements to lead the eye into a wealth of detail in the surrounding roof tops.


    I can see what you were trying to do. Would have cropped the image to the edge of that first stop at the bottom. The lamp in the top is interesting. Would have cahnged the camera angle slightly to get more of that first complete arch in. Other than that - nice, very nice
  2. This image is all about "balance" or should have been. In moving around the scene a little more of the top bowl could have been brought into view. Also the bottom area of the image could have cropped out. All this easy to say after the event, not so? Other than that, like the lighting.
  3. Others before you have used a window from or some other device in the foreground to "anchor" such images. I mean, you have something interesting the middle ground, there's something going on the background and it all just "floats" between somewhere and nowhere. I want to focus on something but I'm not sure what.
  4. What are we looking at here - the cross on the hill of the detail in the tree? Could have used the tree to frame the picture and to focus on the cross in totality or, just shot the tree especially the upper part just for its detail alone.
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